South Dakota’s Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency – IOTW Report

South Dakota’s Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency

Kristi Noem: “We saw the section of the bill that changed the definition of currency [watch]. And essentially, what it did was paved the way for a government-led CBDC. And it also banned any other form of cryptocurrency or Bitcoin or digital currency that existed.”

11 Comments on South Dakota’s Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved the Way for Central Bank Digital Currency

  1. And of course Washington Rats will then have full control of what you spend their phony money on, if they approve. Or bleed it out in the dark internet and you’ll never know who took it. NO THANKS

  2. Tucker asked Gov Noem why some Republicans voted for this? And she pretty much said they DIDN’T read it! There should be a law passed requiring all legislative leaders READ and DIGEST a bill BEFORE being ALLOWED to vote on it and be allowed to ask for clarification.

  3. I wonder whether they can track who made the change, or who wrote that part. Seems to me that it should be trackable – and there should be severe consequences for the legislator who put it in and any assistants.

  4. Once it’s been taken over by the digital banking, all States will have to follow lock-step. The banking is intertwined globally, no one will be exempt. Yellen says no bailout, we shall see.

  5. “… requiring all legislative leaders READ and DIGEST a bill …”
    Sure. Like a 1300 page ObolaCare? Or a $7Trillion budget?

    These assholes aren’t reading shit unless someone pays them to read it.

    They’re criminals, for pity’s sake! The maggots put out a paragraph outlining the “bill” and that’s all the Legislative Aid reads before telling the Maggot how to vote.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. ^^^^

    Could be that a 1300 page bill is meant to obfuscate. If a person is persistent enough to read till the last page, would he or she recognize any discrepancies between a statement on page 10 versus a statement on page 800? Or remember an outright lie on page 50?

    How many pages could a person read and process the meanings in an 8 hour day? I guess 75-100 till total boredom ended it.

    And I am in doubt as to whether such a person would pick it up on the second.

  7. @Dogbone,bless your heart. You can always leave the country If your not happy. Canada or Moscow.
    Paper currency a scam, you should stop trying to print your own money, last time I heard it’s against the law.


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