South Dakota’s Kristi Noem deploys more National Guard troops to US border – IOTW Report

South Dakota’s Kristi Noem deploys more National Guard troops to US border


Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota has announced that she will be deploying a further 75 South Dakota National Guard troops to the US-Mexico border. They will join the 50 she already had assigned to that region.

This additional manpower will be added to the more than 3,000 troops from Republican-led states already deployed at the border in order to help federal immigration personnel deal with the ongoing crisis situation there, according to The Hill.

The funds to support the additional 75 soldiers will be provided a billionaire who resides out of state but is collaborating with Gov. Noem and South Dakota.

The private funding, Noem spokesperson Ian Fury said, would “help alleviate the cost to South Dakota taxpayers.” The donation was made by the Willis and Reba Johnson’s Foundation. MORE

4 Comments on South Dakota’s Kristi Noem deploys more National Guard troops to US border

  1. If the brain-dead pervert-in-chief hadn’t cheated his way into office, President Trump would have had another 500 miles of border fence completed by now. And an “unnamed billionaire” should not have paid for this, Joey should.


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