South Korea Blasts “Inaccuracies” and “Distortions” in Bolton Book – IOTW Report

South Korea Blasts “Inaccuracies” and “Distortions” in Bolton Book

Dan Bongino:

John Bolton is dropping a bombshell on the American public with his new book – and the information contained within is so damning that Bolton couldn’t have been bothered to testify under oath about it or say anything else about it until he had the chance to monetize it.

I suppose we shouldn’t have expected much else from the man who, in 2010, said that “If I had to say something I knew was false… I would do it.” He was speaking in the context of protecting American national security, but the statement apparently also applies to Bolton’s financial interests.

Ironically, in the same interview, Bolton said he “doesn’t think” he’s ever lied – but clarified that he’s really good at spinning things. South Korea’s government seems to agree.

As Reuters reports:

“It does not reflect accurate facts and substantially distorts facts,” South Korea’s national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong, said in a statement referring to Bolton’s description of top-level consultations.

8 Comments on South Korea Blasts “Inaccuracies” and “Distortions” in Bolton Book

  1. During my working career, I hired some great people. I also hired and fired some losers. It comforts me to know that even the great leaders like President Trump make bad hiring decisions from time to
    Time. Of course his bad hiring decisions have serious consequences. I wonder who advised him to hire Bolton? They need to go too.


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