Southern California: 16K+ Customers Still Without Power – IOTW Report

Southern California: 16K+ Customers Still Without Power

[…] Speaking to the local news outlet, Simi Country Mobile Home Estates resident Jeannie Murray said she’s been without power since Thursday.

“Right now, it’s 58 degrees in the house. It’s 58. We’ve been bundled up with sheets, and blankets and every solitary thing you can imagine,” Murray said.

Murray then gave an emotional account about how the shutoff ruined her Thanksgiving dinner, forcing her to throw her food away.

“I’m just worried it’s going to happen again,” she said, attempting to hold back tears. “I cannot keep trying to buy food. I can’t do it. It’s too expensive and everything. I wanna cry. I’m sorry about this. It just frightens me.” more

22 Comments on Southern California: 16K+ Customers Still Without Power

  1. ” … It’s too expensive and everything. I wanna cry. I’m sorry about this. It just frightens me.”

    Well, you chose to live and stay in California and elect the people running things there.

    Maybe you should be rethinking how you vote?

  2. The dogs have been running CA so long that their fleas are even in the power grid.
    Lots of itches to scratch until the victims finally figure out they need to send for “animal control”.

  3. You all think democrats haven’t stolen every election in Commiefornia for the past 20 years? There are plenty of conservative voters here. Why do you think they register illegals to vote automatically and refuse to co-operate with ICE.

  4. Not a power or water project in CA in decades. It’s run like san francisco.

    Those power line should be underground. Instead, they are spending BILLIONS on a bullettrain to nowhere.

    Can’t complain if you vote democrat. Nor if you support the GOPe.

  5. When the green new deal takes hold, she’ll be luck to live in so much as a mud and straw hut. She’ll look back on this day and think of how great things used to be, even without power. Lady ain’t seen nothin yet.

  6. I’ve been through the ‘power outages’ in Socialist Europe.
    Once or twice a day, the power went off for no good reason for no set amount of time for no excuse other than “Energy savings”. Oh, just take a nap during that hour or three, people. And they did. Water went off, too. That’s why everyone had barrels or tanks of water on their properties.
    I’m convinced socialists are missing chromosomes.

  7. Another sign of a failed state,coupled with the homeless crisis, the housing crisis, sky-high taxes, failed transportation systems, etc. Why do people stay? It will be interesting to see what happens now that you can work “in” Silicon Valley but live elsewhere.

  8. Love my wood heat,the crick on the property,several firearms and lots of ammo,a moose in the outdoor freezer and no dependency on a grid.I do have a few luxuries like a cell phone and a wind turbine to charge batteries.Could survive without any electronics no problem but cant quite let go of it all yet.Cheers, Rod from the Yukon.

  9. Power is endangered in Cali. Sooo….in order to save power…they can’t use power.

    I like this.

    Shut everything down in California in order to save power.

    Possibly to save for a rainy day. But as mentioned above, it will all probably be wasted on the bullet train to nowhere.


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