Southern Poverty Law Center blames San Bernardino jihad massacre on Pamela Geller – IOTW Report

Southern Poverty Law Center blames San Bernardino jihad massacre on Pamela Geller

“Support for violent jihad is very tiny,” Potok said.

stupid demons of stupidity idiots morons

JihadWatch: “Domestic terrorism like the attack in San Bernardino last year during which 14 people were killed by two Muslim extremists are the propaganda work of anti-Muslim ideologues like Pamela Geller, the most visible and flamboyant person in the anti-Muslim movement, and the injection of hatred against Muslims, Potok said.” So the SPLC’s Mark Potok would have us believe that if people like Pamela Geller would just stop their “anti-Muslim” propaganda, all would be well and all manner of things would be well: Islamic jihad murderers such as Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, you see, are just driven to it by “Islamophobia.” If we would just be nice to Muslims, then all the jihad would cease.

Besides his execrable viciousness in painting a huge target on Pamela Geller’s back, Mark Potok doubtless doesn’t realize how paternalistic and ethnocentric his claim is. He completely discounts the Islamic texts and teachings that jihadis use to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, and places all the blame for jihad murder on the “propaganda work of anti-Muslim ideologues.” So for Potok, Muslims are not capable of acting for reasons of their own; they can only react to what “visible and flamboyant” non-Muslims do,  MORE

16 Comments on Southern Poverty Law Center blames San Bernardino jihad massacre on Pamela Geller

  1. Why not lay blame where it belongs – on Satan.

    What’s next, blame 9/11 on Minoru Yamasaki’s too-tall Towers?

    By the way, Mr. Yamasaki told me they were ‘over-engineered’ to withstand the impact of a jetliner and the resulting fire, but I digress.

  2. Sure, why not? It makes perfect sense that it’s our fault for failing to be supportive of people’s desire to murder us, not just them for wanting to murder us because it’s their religion. FN lib morons.

  3. Change Muslim to Black in the second paragraph and you get the Democrats’ mindset:

    “Blackss are not capable of acting for reasons of their own; they can only react to what “visible and flamboyant” non-Blacks do, and they aren’t even rational or thoughtful enough to be held responsible for their actions; the responsibility for them rests entirely with the “racists” who provoked them. …Blacks are thus not even fully human, as they’re not capable of making decisions for which they can be held accountable”

  4. Pamela Geller is NOT anti-muslim, she is anti-jihad/anti-sharia law. The SPLC is pro-terrorist and anti-American, for starters.

    And Pamela didn’t cause any jihad attacks, every single jihad attack originated with muhammad the pedophile, the koran, moslem imams, and islam itself starting with the most devout who are also the most prone to violence.

  5. Same mindset that might have contributed to the death of SPLC writer David Ruenzel via a bunch of Dindu Nuffin thugs. The dude wrote about “white privilege” for years and perhaps had zero situational awareness while around people who hated his guts and had no moral qualms about using deadly violence against a stranger.

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