Southern Poverty Law Center refuses to classify Antifa as a “hate group” – IOTW Report

Southern Poverty Law Center refuses to classify Antifa as a “hate group”

He said, however, the SPLC won’t label antifa a “hate group” because adherents do not discriminate against people on the basis of race, sexual orientation or other classes protected by antidiscrimination laws, such as religion.

“There might be forms of hate out there that you may consider hateful, but it’s not the type of hate we follow,” Cohen said.  MORE



SNIP: Yeah, I know…

20 Comments on Southern Poverty Law Center refuses to classify Antifa as a “hate group”

  1. I and I only decide what is “hate speech”
    got it ? If there is hate speech then it
    stands to reason there is love speech.How
    about sad speech.How much $$$ has SPLC taken
    from Sore-Ass ??? Because Sore-Ass is a hate person.

  2. SPLC Had Less Credibility Than The National Enquire , Until The Last Year ? I Wonder Who’s Really Running The Show around SPLC ? I Don’t Think They Climb in Credibility Like This Without Serious Help !!!

  3. Antifa is not a hate group that we hate, they do not discriminate when it comes to bashing heads and destroying property.
    Antifa doesn’t care if you are gay, straight, white, black, asian, brown, jew, Christian, atheist, legal or illegal. They are an equal opportunity fascist, violent, hateful group.

  4. You’re not supposed to Know how SPLC gained expert ability. You’re just supposed to sit there with your dick in your mouth and ACCEPT IT.

    See how easy liberalism is?

  5. “ANTIFA” is a socialist thug group just as is SPLC – so why in the world would they declare a cohort in crime anything other than loyal to “the cause?”
    Deceit is their purpose. Dissimulation is their tool. Lies are their procedures.

    ANTIFA is NOT a “hate group.” ANTIFA is an Anti-American terror organization.

    SPLC knows this, and supports any Anti-American terror organization that purports to be on the “left:” #BLM, LaRaza, ACORN, PP, CAIR, PLO, DNC, NSDAP, CPUSA, …, &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “do not discriminate against people on the basis of race, sexual orientation or other classes protected by antidiscrimination laws, such as religion.”
    Except white people have a white people rally, a religious group holding a prayer meeting, gays having a conservative gay meeting, etc.
    SLPC, your lies are showing, betting cover up better than that.

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