Southside With You – IOTW Report

Southside With You

Southside With You is the name of the upcoming film about the Obama’s first date.

I think it needs a new title. (Hint)


79 Comments on Southside With You

  1. I’m still not sure what a “meme” is, but isn’t the ongoing leftist myth that Michelle Robinson Obama is/was the most beautiful black woman on earth and example of one?

    I’m thinking Tika Sumpter is a little too pretty for the role. I wonder which “pretty nigger” actor they’ll get to play Barak. He has to be a tall, skinny, half-white empty vessel with an auditorium voice.

    Personally I’d rather see a biopic of Laura Bush (second-grade teacher who tamed and Christianized W) or Nancy Reagan (chorus girl to first lady of Cali and USA). Presumably the latter would use an actress in the lead who had fantastic dancer’s legs…

  2. I’m more stunned that they’d even DO a film about it.
    Their first date?1?

    I’d rather see” ADOLF UND EVA – BUSSI BUSSI”
    I don’t think even *he* (orGöbbels) was that wild about promoting himself.

  3. So, we’re going to ignore the Geneva Conventions, and Amnesty International, and make the most inhumane torture method in human history? To paraphrase Weird Al, I’d rather jump naked into a swimming pool filled with double edged razor blades than watch one minute of that “movie”.

  4. “The Stink”

    “The Sound of Mike”

    “Barry & The Chocolate Factory”

    This purported film has great comedy potential, esp. since Mike has recently taken a powder from being seen with the family or Barry. Speculation is high that she’ll file for divorce in ’15.

  5. Al Gore was inspiration for Love Story so Barack and Michelle must be the inspiration for Hate Story.

    One, a bitter, resentful harridan forged in the crucible of Chicago machine politics. The other? The bastard child of a self-hating cracker whore named after a man and conceived in a pornographic affair with a communist pedophile black supremacist who was under surveillance from the FBI.

    After being set up on a blind date by an unreformed terrorist (Bernadine Dohrn being played by Charlize Theron) while both padding their resumesmat a leftwing Chicago law firm, a young Barack finally grows a beard that will enable him to run against a Black Panther and lose for not being black enough.

  6. Perversion, homosexuality, hate, murder, bestiality, corruption, the Mob, dis-barred lawyers, hubris, power, payoffs, scandal, conspiracy, Satan – the perfect Hollyweird vehicle – it’s got everything!

  7. Will the film be a documentary about how Jeremiah Wright arranged sham marriages for fag church members ( cough, cough, Barrack). Or will it be a totally fictional movie about a love story that never was?

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