Southwest Airlines Attendant Accused of Telling Mom To Glue A Mask On Her Crying 2 Year Old’s Face – IOTW Report

Southwest Airlines Attendant Accused of Telling Mom To Glue A Mask On Her Crying 2 Year Old’s Face

See, stuff like this is why some people are going to burn in hell.

Daily Mail:
Mom claims Southwest Airlines flight attendant told her to GLUE her two-year-old daughter’s face mask to her face after she refused to wear it on flight from Florida to Virginia.

  • Ali Cleek claims a Southwest Airlines flight attendant suggested she glue her 2-year-old’s mask to her face after the child refused to keep it on
  • The mom claims the flight attendant gave the family two choices: cut a hole in the mask or glue it to her daughter’s face
  • Cleek said that both she and her husband actively tried to calm their daughter down and were doing ‘everything they could to comply’
  • She said: ‘I really don’t want parents to feel like they have to hold down their child to put on a mask. I also don’t want to feel like I can’t travel with my kids’
  • In response, Southwest reiterated that wearing a face covering while flying is a federal mandate for any passenger aged two and older


20 Comments on Southwest Airlines Attendant Accused of Telling Mom To Glue A Mask On Her Crying 2 Year Old’s Face

  1. Southwest.

    The Greyhound Bus of the skies.

    …that said…

    “…wearing a face covering while flying is a federal mandate…”

    Sanity is optional when compliance is mandatory.

  2. I was on a SW flight in July where a Mom had two preschool kids who wouldn’t keep their masks on. Everyone around knew it was impossible to get the kids to comply so we all just ignored the situation (including the attendants) so the flight wouldn’t be diverted. Also, the attendants kept dumping crackers with the kids so it looked like they were eating the entire flight.
    We had just come from Florida where nobody in the state is wearing masks ALL THE TIME! So we all knew the requirement is STUPID.

  3. We can all agree that the federal mask mandates for air travel are stupid, and requiring 2 year olds to wear a mask is doubly stupid. But………..these mandates have been in place for a while now, they are clear and advertised through out the booking process. And we have all read about incidents just like this ad nauseum. So if you were a parent about to embark on a plane ride, knowing exactly what was demanded of your kids, wouldn’t you do like a trial run to see if your kids could handle the mask on their face for however long the flight was? And if as a parent you know that your child is a thumb sucker and needs to do this for her own well being, wouldn’t make a mask with a hole in it yourself and bring it along so that your kid don’t freak out?

    Does any blame at all fall on the parents for exposing their kids to this kind of trauma without a bit of foresight or planning on their part?

    If in fact the flight attendant did suggest glue, she should be fired but the parents put their kids in an untenable position by not preparing before hand. Hoping that flight attendants will be compassionate and human, and bend the rules for their kids because she needs to suck her thumb, that’s on the parents, they put their kids through this drama needlessly.

  4. I’ve seen at least two young guys with tattoo masks. From a distance it looks like the real thing and is probably just as effective.

    Please note, I’m not recommending this for two year olds or any sane person although I think it’s a good idea for all progressives.

  5. I grew up in the era of young, hot, adventurous stewardesses. Then just about when my kids were born, they started to hire older women to fly the friendly skies. I scoffed and grumbled a little at the time, and then we started flying with our toddlers.

    Maube, just maybe, it is a good idea to have older, more mature flight attendants who have raised children, instead of self-absorbed Millennials who can’t focus on their smartphone with that goddam brat screaming in row 32.

  6. Brad August 20, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    If masks actually captured the RONA why are we not required to dispose of them in a hazardous waste container?

    Because the parking lots and shopping carts are the perfect place for virus infected face masks. The thing that gets me are the wipes, when you walk in the door. Big sign says “STOP GERMS USE SANITIZING WIPES.” I asked how they are stopping people from reaching their hands in the cherry and grape bags sampling the goods. I always get the blank stare. Then once inside the store, watch how many are touching their face masks then touch the frozen food section doors, check out the produce with their hands, then go to the checkout counter and touch a digital pad that the last person just used. Tell me again about the spread of germs….

  7. Goldenfoxx

    I figured all hell would break lose the first time they find a few floating in the Ocean. And sure enough the local news ran a story about how ecologists were freaking out over “Mask Pollution”.
    And they’re already warning about clogged storm drains do to masks.

  8. Rich Taylor, knowing what I know now about flying with little ones, in a time without mask mandates, I’d drive or skip the trip. No telling what you’ll get when the wheels go up, no matter how you prep.

    And parents of toddlers, don’t let anyone hand you a line of bull about benadryl.

  9. The mask is merely a feelz good security placebo. I say give all those psycho-babies their very own security viper instead.

    It is truly breaking my heart to see these millenial parents putting those things on their sweet babies. They are sacrificing their own childrens’ health at the alter of strangers’ fear phobias. It’s awful.

  10. Stuff all the masks on the plane down the throat of the “attendant” and then glue its mouth shut – problem solved.

    The FedGov has NO AUTHORITY to “mandate” ANYTHING!

    The FedGov is a creature of the people – to wit: “We, the People of the United States … (blah, blah, blah) … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    It is for us, We the People, to mandate (make mandatory – compel – force – require). We desperately need to re-establish the “balance of power.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. “Doing all we could to comply”. COMPLY, that is the key word. The world is circling the drain faster & faster, but you WILL comply. Lemmings. Stand up & tell these fuckers that they can go somewhere very hot & stay there. As @Tim said above, the Feds have no authority to mandate anything, as local government does not either. Resist with all of your might. These petty dictators are just trying to see how far they can take this. Remember this, if you give them your freedoms now, you will NOT get them back later.

  12. DO NOT fly with Southwest Airlines and get these fraudulent and conspiring entities where it hurts. DO RESEARCH before engaging any establishment and enlist their competitors when appropriate. Since the conspirators believe they can weaken the American public, do the same to them by not spending your money on them. If they can change the ‘rules’, well then so can we and in greater ways which will result n their collapse. If with nothing else, fight back with your money and which entity you’ll spend with.

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