Southwoke Airlines – IOTW Report

Southwoke Airlines

Here at Southwoke, we’re fully committed to DEI, ESG, LGTBQ+, BLM, and every other woke acronym you can think of. Southwoke Hires Fabulous Sam Brinton as Our New Baggage Czar.

14 Comments on Southwoke Airlines

  1. OK, lets add a few more letters to the perverts (if you remember).
    [for those of lesser age] Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
    Ha!!! What a great oxymoron.

  2. “Brinton was selected for their unique skillset,”


    I’m about to “loose” my gd mind. They “should OF” had a proofreader. Hell, even the MSM sites write in moron.

  3. Here at Southwoke Airlines, we standardize in only one kind of aircraft to improve maintenance and training so our employees don’t have to worry about the anxiety they’ll feel trying to remember all the differences between airplane models and will have more time to relax on their breaks and lunch hours with meaningful codependent sexual activity that suits their lifestyles. Oh, and you guessed it! We’ve chosen the Woke Boeing 737 Max 8 airplane to devote all our multi-disciplined energy towards and are committed to tirelessly upgrading all the suspect systems that keep cropping up on this piece of shit airframe from a company that, while clearly having lost its marbles, has woken up with its headquarters in crime-ridden, WOKEN Chicago!!

  4. Lucky Strike also had on their packs, if I remember correctly:

    It’s Toasted!

    I don’t know if that improved the flavor not. I never smoked them. When I was 18 I read that Humphrey Bogart smoked unfiltered Chesterfields, so I started smoking them, completely ignoring the fact that he died of lung cancer at the age of 57. Later I switched to Marlboro.

    Glad I stopped smoking the coffin nails at age 24.

  5. The 737 Max is perhaps the worst jet passenger aircraft since the British made Comet, flown by BOAC, predecessor of British Airways.

    The Comet was a murder aircraft.

  6. My grandfather rolled his own cigarettes with one hand with Prince Albert pipe tobacco. MY dad and all my uncles smoked although most of them quit but my dad had COPD from all those years of smoking. My little, tiny aunt smoked for 70 + years and it didn’t kill her, getting old finally. I never saw her without a cigarette. And my wife smoked until she quit cold turkey on Feb. 1, 1994 and never smoked again. Two of my younger brothers smoked and both have had major heart issues and I never smoked, I couldn’t stand the taste of smoking tobacco. And my son smokes and also chews tobacco which is worse and totally disgusting.

  7. My father smoked Lucky Strikes. We always figured that if my parents had two more sons, they would have been named Frank and Thomas so the five boys, in age order, would have been


    As it was, I was the last one.


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