Soy Boys – IOTW Report

Soy Boys

Is soy food turning men into massive …

*Warning: Un soy-like language*

32 Comments on Soy Boys

  1. haha! I knew that soy beans contain phyto-estrogen — a LOT of it — but I’d never thought about its effect on males. It makes total sense. Now I read that it is used as a therapy precursor to “transition.” Holy smoke!

  2. Ya! I sent BFH an idea about how to bash those effeminate men in the “For the Ladies” quiz he posted earlier.Since guys can’t bash other guys (apparently) we ladies CAN! And SHOULD! Here’s how: LADY:(to a man-bun wearing girly boy): “Excuse me, but can I ask you a question? Do you eat soy products?” HIM: “Why, yes I do!” LADY: “In case you haven’t heard, soy products lower your testosterone level by 50%. You might just want to LAY OFF THAT $__T! Jus’ sayin’!”

  3. That’s wild and now that’s just one more thing F’ing them up. Testosterone does play an Anchor role in decision making, so if the first thought you have is a female response your’e not a man !
    Most Women are nice and sympathetic by nature, and deporting someone or telling a migrant they can’t come here is a job better left to men as we are Protectors by nature, and will kill to protect !!! Fuck Soy

  4. BFH, I’ve been making Birthday dinners for my kids and I got to wondering what someone like yourself had for you recent Birthday dinner. Home or restaurant? No one at my house had a soy burger.

  5. Anecdote: I had JUST finished watching Paul David Watson’s rant when I had to run to the store for a minute. THERE, right in front of me, was a real life SoyBoy, wearing–no kidding, colorful print Van sneakers, a very elaborate Man-Bun, skinny black jeans (very skinny) and he (?) was getting out of a Volvo station wagon with an OPB sticker on the window. WOW! Jackpot! This was exactly the kind of guy that Fur said we ladies have to “bash” after his recent “For The Ladies” quiz. What to say? Just couldn’t think. But on the way home it came to me. Result? I posted it up above! I will absolutely be ready next time. Watch out, SoyBoys!

  6. Soybeans aren’t food; soybeans are what food eats.

    We feed soybeans to steers to build muscle (meat), but since steers have been castrated, testosterone is not an issue. Same thing with swine.

    By the way, a castrated swine is called a barrow, but an intact male swine is called a boar, and a female swine is called a sow.

  7. So is using soy sauce for flavoring bad for you? Or is it because it usually has a sodium content especially anything with MSG. And I always knew tofu was bad for you, yum we’re having fake meat for dinner tonight. And don’t forget all the vegans eating tofurkey for Thanksgiving this next Thursday. Bleccch!!!

  8. What geeknerd said. Back in the day, my Grandparents fed the animals soy if they were short on food. It was filler. Not for people, not for regular animal feed. The problem is, they even put that shit in hair products like shampoos and conditioners like it’s supposed to be doing something fantastic. Pfft.
    Every time they use soy stuff in products, it also includes a shit ton of preservatives.

  9. I’ve never called it soy “milk”. I’ve made fun of my soy-swigging girlfriends by talking about how it must be very hard to milk the tiny titties of a soy bean! LOL! A teeny tiny milkmaid with her teensie weensie milk stool and pail.

  10. ….I would have to say no based purely on my own family of five brothers and two daughters (which includes me). Half of us have to drink soy or rice milk due to lactose intolerance, and none of the boys have any differing levels of ‘manliness’. In fact the ‘biggest wuss’ of the family drinks milk. :b

  11. I have a lot of asian friends that got their panties in a twist over this. and I can’t help but remember how South Park did their episode where they kept referring to asians having little dicks!

  12. “Japanese men, what do you think?”
    “I have a lot of asian friends that got their panties in a twist over this.”

    Ever been in a gym with Japs? Remember that old song The Rubber Band Man?
    That’s them. They attach their damn elastic bands on exactly the piece of gym equipment you want to use and do their dumb ass back and forth jack off exercises. They’re always polite when you ask them WTF. And they move immediately. I’m just wonder what the point is in the first place. And yes I’ve been behind them at Starbucks and they ALL order Soy.

  13. Many Asians are prone to a genetic lactose intolerance. Common among the Sons of Nippon. They can’t handle milk.

    And yes, I’d say centuries of Soy consumption has had an effect.

    They’re still resourceful though. Just ask Godzirra.

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