Space Force commanding officer reportedly fired after criticizing Marxism and critical race theory in the military – IOTW Report

Space Force commanding officer reportedly fired after criticizing Marxism and critical race theory in the military


A commander in the Space Force has been fired for comments he made during a podcast appearance where he warned that Marxism is infiltrating the United States military, according to a report from

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was the commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado. Lohmeier had served in the U.S. Air Force for over 14 years, including being a former F-15C fighter pilot and T-38 Talon jet instructor pilot.

On Friday, Lohmeier was purportedly relieved of his post because he sounded the alarm about Marxism and critical race theory in the military during a podcast appearance where he was promoting his book. Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, the head of Space Operations Command, reportedly fired Lohmeier over a loss of confidence in his ability to lead. read more

14 Comments on Space Force commanding officer reportedly fired after criticizing Marxism and critical race theory in the military

  1. Is it better to be in stealth mode and document the insanity or speak out and warn everyone at the risk of losing access?

    We need people on the inside but having to “Yes, sir”that mumbojumbo will give a strong patriotic person an ulcer and worse.

  2. I’d love to force biden to have a real confrontation with cornhole…pop-corn….corn-pop….whatever the hell this non-existent, imaginary pipe-dream killer’s name is that biden devastated.

    Individually, these tough talking liberals are pieces-of-shit that only talk tough because they’re sure someone has their back.

  3. Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, the head of Space Operations Command, reportedly fired Lohmeier over a loss of confidence in his ability to lead.

    Totally wrong, 180° out of phase. Hohmeier was fired over a loss of confidence in his ability to shut up, sit down, and follow illegal treasonous orders.

  4. It’s already over. We are waiting patiently.

    Arlington Cemetery is off limits and reserved for Americans only. Not Marxists. Good Luck! Americans have already got your number, including my Dad and Mother.

  5. So damned disheartening. Someone, somewhere has got to light the fuse. Someone with national recognition that has support from patriotic military and police. Someone like Trump.

    It has got to explode like nothing else before in our history.

  6. The general firing the officer says to me that our military can’t foresee a military victory against China, and in fact are afraid of confronting it, thus don’t criticize its founding philosophy.

    Churchill faced up to the Nazi threat in 1940 against great odds. One should never stop resisting totalitarians, even if the odds are greatly in favor of the totalitarian. Lots of people lose their lives in resisting it but it is better than the alternative.

  7. Bidumb’s DOD Sec said he was going to root out “extremists”.
    We all talked about how he included conservatives and Trump voters and those who don’t go along with the marxists in charge.


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