Space Force credited with saving U.S. military lives following early warning of Iran missile attack: Report – IOTW Report

Space Force credited with saving U.S. military lives following early warning of Iran missile attack: Report


The newly-created U.S. Space Force played a major role in saving the lives of American and coalition forces at a base in Iraq through early detection of incoming Iranian ballistic missiles last year, said a report published Thursday.

C4ISRNet reported that the Iranian attack in January 2020, which came in response to President Donald Trump’s targeting of Revolutionary Guards commander Gen. Qasem Soleimani days earlier, was detected by the Space-Based Infrared System, “a constellation of satellites that surveils Earth’s surface 24/7 to detect missiles.”

Iran fired more than a dozen missiles at the base, and while 110 personnel were subsequently treated for traumatic brain injuries, no one was killed.

Early detection of the launch by elements of the Space Force’s 2nd Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado allowed for the evacuation of some military personnel. And those who were unable to evacuate were able to move into bunkers “thanks to what [Trump] referred to at the time as an ‘early warning system,’” C4ISRNet reported.

“Rarely has the Defense Department offered such a high-profile example of the system’s capabilities and its direct impact on the American warfighter,” the outlet added. read more

12 Comments on Space Force credited with saving U.S. military lives following early warning of Iran missile attack: Report

  1. Meanwhile a bedouin goat herder traveling in a remote region of desert discovered what was determined to be yet another scrap of mummified flesh and bone shard from the late General Soleimani.

  2. They’ll need it. The new administration will go full throttle to erase all of the gains made in the Middle East over the past for years. Think the Embassy will remain in it’s new Jerusalem home for long?

  3. …I love our soldiers. I serve our soldiers.

    But I am afraid that they will be used against us in the near future.

    Its already happened with the police.

    You that have close ties to the military, what do you think the odds are that they will be able to be turned on us by “president*” biden as well?

    Serious question, and maybe one I wouldn’t even ask, were it not for the fact that many of the soldiers I see on a regular basis are not American born, not native English speakers, and don’t know or understand what made this Country unique and probably came from a rather repressive one? I know some foreigners become very fierce patriots, but I don’t know what lies the new generation is indoctrinated in now.

    …everything else has failed us.

    …will they, too?

    “That honorable banner could come to mean many evil things.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

    …will it for us?

    What do folks smarter than I think about it?

  4. Meanwhile a bedouin goat herder traveling in a remote region of desert discovered what was determined to be yet another scrap of the American taxpayers gift to him in the form of astimulus check.

  5. @potstirrer – are you sure that you’re not plagerin’ Joe Biden in reality? Your nom de plume bears a very close resemblance to another one here that has been around a lot longer.

  6. @Supernightsahde
    When my son was in Irag years ago one in his unit asked them all what they would do if ordered to confiscate guns from US citizens. A third said yes, an order is an order, a third said they would actively fight back and a third said it would never happen. This is an OKNG unit , deep red state. Same ratios as the revolution and first civil war.

  7. Tony R
    JANUARY 9, 2021 AT 12:37 PM
    “A recent survey claimed over 50% of enlisted are registered democrats, and over 50% of officers are registered republicans.”

    …it makes sense given that they recruit out of public high schools and the kids get the mush ladeled in, but I was under the impression that Barky had thoroughly poisoned the officer corps too during his illegal occupation.

    See, everyone I know is my age-ish and WAS in the military, not IS, and they don’t have kids in so I don’t have a real great sense of how it is in 2021, but I know some guys that will tell you about camp cooking is Basra a couple decades ago if you buy them a beer…

  8. This is Space Force taking credit for a preexisting capability. The DSP and SBIRS satellites have for many years been able to detect not only ICBM launches but small missile launches worldwide. For instance when a Russian airliner disappeared over the Black Sea a month after the Sept 11, 2001 attack, It was the DSP sats that recorded a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile launch at the same time (during an exercise) the Russian airliner disappeared.

    New SBIRS sats have much higher resolution and tracking ability. I wouldn’t be surprised if they could also detect artillery firing or bomb strikes.


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