Spain: Catalonia’s landslide ‘yes’ vote came at a price with nearly 1000 injured – IOTW Report

Spain: Catalonia’s landslide ‘yes’ vote came at a price with nearly 1000 injured


Reports from Catalonia in Spain indicate a landslide victory for the separatists who want the state in the northeast region to declare independence. The vote, which was declared illegal and unconstitutional by the Spanish government, was marred by violence as police in riot gear used extreme measures to block and disband voters. At least 844 citizens were injured along with 33 police officers.

Over 2.2 million of the 5.3 million registered voters in Catalonia braved the attacks from police to cast their votes. The regional government declared a 9-1 margin in favor of independence. Catalan President Carles Puigemont had pledged earlier to follow through with the will of the people and declare independence from Spain if the voters approved.

The response from Spanish officials has been denial. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy declared that there was no independence vote today in Catalonia.

“Today, we have not had a referendum for self-determination in Catalonia,” Rajoy said during a televised address. “Today, all the Spaniards have seen that our state rule of law keeps its strength and reality, and restricts those who wish to subvert the state of law, and acts with all the legal resources, vis a vis all provocations, and does it with efficacy and in a serene way.”

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17 Comments on Spain: Catalonia’s landslide ‘yes’ vote came at a price with nearly 1000 injured

  1. Catalonia and Spain is like Scotland and Britain. There are cultural and linguistic differences that go back centuries. Catalonian independence was one of the major causes of the Spanish Civil War.

    The Rajoy government is dealing with this is the way Franco would have and the EU is cheering him on. This will not end well.

  2. I agree: the US can’t get involved in another’s country’s politics. But, still, it’s sad to see how Spain is dealing with this. The Catalonians have a God given right to self determination. Spain had better learn to work with them rather than try to turn the clock back.

  3. ACParker: How right you are about this not ending well. Catalonia is lost to Spain after this unnecessary overreaction. In a few years, Spain will be racked by violence and bombings similar to that perpetrated by the Basque separatist. The mood has shifted in Catalonia over this police violence. Franco would have approved of this suppression of Catalonian Independence, but times have changed since his death.

  4. I don’t know anything about Spanish politics, but if they want to be independent, let em go! Who gives a fuck? Orwell wrote of the Spanish Civil War and being captured by Catalan Communists – he spoke Spanish but couldn’t understand Catalan! They shared cigarettes and decided not to shoot him.
    (unless it was Camus – I sometimes confuse my existentialist/anarchist/communists)

    We give em Puerto Rico and they can free Catalan … win-win!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Reply to Tim – Catalan is one of the most prosperous, hard working regions on the Iberian peninsula. From what I have read, they are tired of supporting the rest of Spain which is lazy and avoids paying taxes – much like Greece is.

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