Spain Man sentenced to 15 years for killing and eating his mother – IOTW Report

Spain Man sentenced to 15 years for killing and eating his mother


Spanish man was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in prison after killing and eating his 68-year-old mother in 2019. 

Police had arrested Alberto Sanchez Gomez after they found body parts, some in plastic containers, in the fridge and in drawers around the family’s home, according to reports

Maria Soledad Gomez’s head, hands and heart were allegedly found on her bed, while the rest of her body was cut into around 1,000 pieces, polid said. They went to the house after a friend reportedly called the police, concerned about Maria. MORE HERE

27 Comments on Spain Man sentenced to 15 years for killing and eating his mother

  1. Is the length of incarceration for eating fathers the same? How about children? Do you spend less time in prison for dining on distant relatives? What about total strangers?

    There ought to be some guidelines.

  2. “The problem is all inside your head, she said to me
    The answer is easy if you take it logically
    I’d like to help you in your struggle to be free
    There must be fifty ways to eat your mother

    She said, it’s really not my habit to intrude
    Furthermore, I hope my meaning won’t be lost or misconstrued
    But I’ll repeat myself at the risk of being crude
    There must be fifty ways to eat your mother

    Fifty ways to eat your mother

    You just slice up her back, Jack
    Use a fresh pan, Stan
    You don’t need to use soy, Roy
    Just eat yourself free

    Just slice up her bust, Gus
    You don’t need to discuss much
    Just fry her ureteri, Lee
    And eat yourself free”

  3. He told the court he heard “hidden messages” on TV that told him to kill his mother. If he watched MSNBC, it is possible that he is telling the truth, They are always trying to get people to kill one another.

  4. Eat me. Eat me raw. Raw raw raw, that’s the spirit! Sounds like a great opportunity to recycle all those old Jeffrey Dahmer jokes.

    Hey, didja hear Alberto Sanchez Gomez got out on bail?
    Yeah, it cost him an arm and a leg!

  5. I fully admit that I laughed at all the jokes on this thread. I wonder what drove him to do such an horrific thing. Tired of hearing “mentally ill.” Far more than that, that was pure evil and satanic.

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