Spain Terror Update: 14 Victims and Six Suspected Terrorists Dead After Multiple Attacks – IOTW Report

Spain Terror Update: 14 Victims and Six Suspected Terrorists Dead After Multiple Attacks

Breitbart: Spain suffered four incidents believed to be related to terrorism, including two deadly attacks, in little over 24 hours between Wednesday and Thursday, which have left 14 victims dead, up to 80 injured, and as many as six suspected terrorists dead.

Spanish authorities have identified the attacks as Jihadist terrorism, and two have so far been arrested — one Moroccan, and one Spanish citizen from Melilla, the Spanish exclave in Morocco. Police announced a 14th victim fatality following the attacks Friday morning — the number had stood at 13 since the previous eveniung. More deaths may follow, with a dozen injured presently in critical condition.  more here

9 Comments on Spain Terror Update: 14 Victims and Six Suspected Terrorists Dead After Multiple Attacks

  1. How can a couple thousand illiterate, inbred Satan worshipers control 47 million Spanish citizens? What’s wrong the the people of Spain? They need to man up and drive every one of those terrorists out of their country. If not, the inbred Satan worshipers are going to soon take over and they’ll kill millions of Spaniards, just like the Satan worshipers have promised.

  2. Spain picks its Leaders, so it must get some thrill from Terror…The Leftist Sociopathic mind does not empathize, it does not care for others and while it only loves itself, it recognizes how loathsome it is…Islam is evil and Sociopaths are sub human in that they have not the mental ability to be noble, to build society, to care for humanity…that is the secret to their Darwinian success in that when out numbered they will run from the village leaving community, friends, wife, children and honor behind …because they, like a zombie, care only for the self..Leftist Leaders are in the business of Power for themselves and when their voters are mowed down, once the area is safe, they can garner votes by placing flowers, making speeches, talking about morality even though they cannot grasp the concept and import more Muslims..England is lost, Germany is lost…more to lose their way under the sway of soulless Socialists..Propaganda is an art/science best understood by these creatures..

  3. Has Trump sufficiently condemned (who evah) about this yet?
    Have the RINO’s rushed to the microphones to complain about Trump?
    Then it’s not worth mentioning on the nightly news after today.

  4. According to the MSM, this is Trumps fault because he is alt-right and so are the Nazis and they drove through a crowd of antifa and Trump didn’t say enough soon enough to denounce it and so the terrorists copied the alt-right. Or something like that. Just ask Wolf Blitzer.

  5. Walked on that street several times in March or April 1973.
    During two different stops a few weeks apart during a Med cruise on a DDG35.
    My memories of Las Ramblas are all pleasant ones.

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