Spain: Two Brutal Beheadings in Valencia Within 30 Hours Leave Community in Shock – IOTW Report

Spain: Two Brutal Beheadings in Valencia Within 30 Hours Leave Community in Shock

In a span of less than 30 hours, Valencia, Spain, has been rocked by two horrific murders, leaving the community in shock and mourning. These incidents have been marked by their brutal nature, with both victims meeting a gruesome end.

First Victim: José Andrés Peña

The first tragedy occurred early on Tuesday, July 30th. José Andrés Peña, a 40-year-old man, was found beheaded on the pedestrian bridge near the Oceanogràfic in Valencia City. This horrifying act of violence left the community stunned, and the circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear. more

10 Comments on Spain: Two Brutal Beheadings in Valencia Within 30 Hours Leave Community in Shock

  1. ^^^^^^

    Reports are flowing on Instagram that if muzzies find a lone Brit male they’re curb stomping the hell out of them. If they find a woman they’re raping the hell out of them. There’s lot’s of sickening footage flowing. The Brit Gov answer to this is to create a internet firewall so these stories don’t get out and Elon can’t get in. Tommy Robinson warned Elon today, they’re coming for you, they will try and kill you. It sounds like it’s on like donkey kong. I just hope there’s enough Brit men left with enough testicles to end this shit. Once again, the Crusades have never ended.

  2. In the RAIR article:

    …a neighbor called emergency services, reporting a man lying in the street with severe neck wounds. He had received several stab wounds to his neck and collapsed in the middle of the street.

    So was he decapitated or not? Sounds like not. But I guess something as horrible as one decapitation and one severe neck wound victim isn’t as attention-grabbing for the headline.

    @MJA — I’m NOT griping at you. You quite reasonably picked up the RAIR article, headline and all.

  3. Gee … you invite filthy, stinking, fukkin ragheads into your country and they go around cutting peoples’ heads off and you’re shocked?

    I guess these people would be shocked if they draped pit vipers around their necks and then got bit?

    This is (more) proof that the insanity is more than just vote fraud in the USA.
    I wonder what it’ll take for Europe (and America) to WAKE THE FUCK UP?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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