Spanish politician shot – IOTW Report

Spanish politician shot

A former leader of Spain’s main right-wing political party in Catalonia who went on to co-found the far-right Vox party was shot in the head in Madrid on Thursday, a police source said.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras “was shot in the head around 1:30 pm (1130 GMT) on Nunez de Balboa Street in Madrid,” the source said. more here

7 Comments on Spanish politician shot

  1. “I don’t know jack about Spanish politics. But if reporters say he’s “far right” he probably isn’t”

    Yikes, that would all be relative though right? Maybe the dude only support LGBQR&S people instead of the rest of the entire alphabet

  2. “Yikes, that would all be relative though right? Maybe the dude only support LGBQR&S people instead of the rest of the entire alphabet”

    Definitely relative, but for the “journalists” if he shook hands with somebody whose wife’s, brother’s cousin’s (twice removed), uncle’s old neighbor from 10 years ago liked some nationalist facebook post……they’ll be like “OMG FAR RIGHT EXTREEEEMISM!!!!”


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