Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Ukr) Considering Scheme to Expand Earmarks – IOTW Report

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Ukr) Considering Scheme to Expand Earmarks


Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is considering granting free-spending establishment Republicans and Democrats one of the top items on their wish list.

Johnson, after delivering crushing defeats to conservatives on government funding, warrantless spying on Americans, and Ukraine aid, is reportedly setting his sights on expanding earmarks.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), Johnson’s handpicked choice to take over the House Appropriations Committee after Rep. Kay Granger’s (R-TX) resignation in March, wants to “unlock the possibility of more earmarks,” Politico reports.

The outlet says Cole wants to expand the use of earmarks, specifically in the massive Labor-HHS-Education funding bill — the largest non-defense funding bill — a move that could unlock hundreds of millions in earmarks. The House did not allow earmarks in the funding bill in 2023.

Cole, in making clear his opinion, said Johnson would be the decider. “Whatever the speaker comes back with is what I’ll be supporting,” Cole said. more here

15 Comments on Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Ukr) Considering Scheme to Expand Earmarks

  1. It’s either let the uniparty have its way with the nation for another year or turn the House over to the democrats and they’ll have their way with the nation for the next year.

    Pick your poison.

  2. Since when did Speaker Mike Johnson become a member of the Repugnican party in Ukraine? How much are they paying him to sell out the United States and what kind of blackmail is controlling his actions and treasonous putting Ukraine’s interest ahead of his own country. I don’t trust any of these uniparty bastards.


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