Speaker Mike Johnson releases J6 footage, but why are potential informants’ faces blurred? – IOTW Report

Speaker Mike Johnson releases J6 footage, but why are potential informants’ faces blurred?

Revolver: Shortly after replacing disgraced and ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson agreed to make good with the base and release the J6 footage from Capitol security cameras that the Capitol police have kept under wraps, with some limited exceptions.

Johnson’s release of the J6 footage has done a great deal to re-introduce Americans to the falsity of the official narrative of January 6th. The latest release includes footage of Capitol police firing “flash bangs” unnecessarily at the crowd, as well as police opening doors and behavior of protestors inside the Capitol that fails to conform to any definition of “terrorism.” As a matter of reinforcing public awareness, such footage is important. For serious researchers of January 6, and for those fortunate enough to have been ahead of the curve by reading Revolver, such information is nothing new. Indeed, we already knew the Capitol Police opened the doors to the crowds in many cases, and that the Capitol Police engaged in egregious acts of unnecessary provocation of the crowd. What Revolver and other researchers are principally interested in is whether and how the newly available footage might advance our understanding of federal involvement in January 6, and help us to piece together identities and networks of informants and agents on the ground that day. Unfortunately such discoveries are made nearly impossible by the fact that Johnson’s team have decided to selectively blur the faces of some January 6 participants, and to simply cut out large swathes of surveillance footage in other cases.

January 6 researcher (and defendant) “Free State Will” laid out the problems with Speaker Mike Johnson’s tapes in two detailed, mega-viral threads on Twitter. more

15 Comments on Speaker Mike Johnson releases J6 footage, but why are potential informants’ faces blurred?

  1. name the UNIPRTY President who “maxed out” yearly on contributions to j^ Committee!

    VERY BIASED. I have always been conservative! Voted Ronny 9 times.
    Never voted for this degenerate lefty!

  2. “Johnson’s team have decided to selectively blur the faces of some January 6 participants, and to simply cut out large swathes of surveillance footage in other cases…”

    It’s not “Johnson’s team” doing this stuff. Johnson wouldn’t have a clue who to blur and cut out.

    I’m not saying Johnson isn’t on the team, only that he’s second string, or maybe water boy.

  3. Obviously Mike Johnson is getting marching orders from the DOJ and FBI. Johnson has failed to live up to his word.

    Transparency is not selective, Johnson has failed to show were the Intelligence operatives and their role and leadership in J-6.
    Mike Johnson continues to mirror, Boehner, Ryan and McCarthy in his decisions.

    Johnson was sold to America as a conservative, in actuality he sold out to the establishment.

  4. There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We can reduce the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. For the next century, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Deeper Limits.

  5. And DESPITE our best efforts, way, way too much information is reaching the common people.
    Damn Elon Musk! And Sharyl Attkisson, Lara Logan, Glenn Greenwald, Alex Jones, Russell Brand, etc., etc.

  6. “Johnson’s team” ???

    And who would that be?

    If Johnson didn’t authorize the blurring out of people in the images, then he needs to say so and immediately disclose who did. He was described as a stickler for correct procedure and detail early on in his Speakership. Is it possible that he is just the latest marketing fluff of the Deep State?

    This smells like rotten fish.

  7. His actions makes me think he smells more like a $2 whore.

    For the record, I have no personal experience with $2 whores. But I could smell them a block away.

    Johnson now holds the record, I can smell him from Washington DC, all the way to Ohio.


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