Speaker Mike Johnson to Colleagues: Senate Immigration Deal ‘Dead on Arrival’ in House – IOTW Report

Speaker Mike Johnson to Colleagues: Senate Immigration Deal ‘Dead on Arrival’ in House

House Speaker Mike Johnson told his House colleagues in a letter on Friday morning that the Senate immigration and Ukraine funding deal is “dead on arrival” in the House if the Senate passes it.

9 Comments on Speaker Mike Johnson to Colleagues: Senate Immigration Deal ‘Dead on Arrival’ in House

  1. ^ “D.O.A.” sounds like a Uniparty/RINO SWAMP expression. After declaring something D.O.A., 90% of the time it gets renegotiated and is worse than its original form.

  2. If they just passed NO LEGISLATION for the next 11 months. None. Anything that passes will be bad for this country, potentially horrible. Nothing can pass – and ESPECIALLY nothing related to the border and to citizenship, because it will only be tilted against us.
    Some impeachments might be nice though. I don’t care that they would fail in the Senate – they need to be tried. Especially Majorkas, and especially Biden.

  3. Why wasn’t the Border and Immigrant Invasion dealt with in the Continuing Resolution that funded Biden’s agenda?
    And now;
    Mike Johnson sends a sternly worded letter to House Republicans (RINOs) and then a source leaks it to the media to shower the masses with bullshit.

    This BS letter does not in the least make up for Johnson’s failure during the Continuing Resolution to Fund the Government’s Biden agenda.
    I’ve heard all the excuses for Johnson, it’s time the rubber meets the road and he perform his function to protect and serve. Live up to your word.

    Immigration MUST be the central defining issue for the “next” Continuing Resolution. Only essential government statutorily mandated funding will be approved. Meaning, the majority of non-essential government agencies will operate only skeleton operations until the Border is closed, processing of illegal immigrant operations are shut down and known criminals who were allowed in the US are deported (includes the “illegal” immigrants.

  4. Nothing new here, just follow orders to pass no border bill.
    Anything passed would make Biden look good. We’ll see how this works out next Nov for a do nothing GOP house. Say your goodbyes & don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


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