Special Assistant to Sen. Fetterman Says…. – IOTW Report

Special Assistant to Sen. Fetterman Says….

…the Senator ‘Okay with Overturning the Second Amendment’ and Handpicked Journalists ‘Will Say Exactly What You F***ing Want Them To.” Get the story

15 Comments on Special Assistant to Sen. Fetterman Says….

  1. There is no such animal as a “handpicked journalist.” There are journalists, and there are paid propaganda tools. Fetterman’s assistant is describing the latter.

  2. Overturning it?

    As T.J. said, then that’s the time to use it.

    Nothing left to lose at that point. Just wondering how many fellow countrymen would have to fall alongside the tyrants. You know, the ones that want it overturned too.

  3. It’s funny that any of these people think they can get rid of 2nd Amendment. Well not funny, per se, but it just ain’t gonna happen. 3/4 of all states??? In fact gun ownership and ownership rights have increased the past couple of decades, despite constant efforts to remove them. And SCOTUS has upheld ownership in every case they took, although they have notably not taken on a few that perhaps they should have.
    Of course in the 19th century and before nobody even questioned any level of weapons ownership. So we don’t enjoy the freedom we used to have.

  4. I think it’s hilarious how these soy boy leftists keep running their mouths, trying to impress the OMG undercover reporter, thinking he is going to get laid tonight.

  5. Unfortunately, liberal fantasies go a long way in today’s society.

    I suspect it may be OUR ‘go-along-to-get-along’ attitude…..

    Along with our preference to avoid confrontation or our lack of realizing their constant in-roads that slowly chip away at what is right and proper.

    Collectively; they are gaining footholds that often seem harmless but the facts tell a different story—–

    They are well organized, relentless and just stupid enough to want what they hope for.

    THEY are the enemy and should be stopped at ALL COSTS.

  6. “Who the fuck told Luke that was a good hair style??? Fetterman(woman) is an imbecile.

    That hairstyle’s all the rage with the faggots on the East Coast.

  7. No article of the Bill of Rights is subject to repeal. That was taught in 5th grade Civics when I was a kid. The first ten amendments to the Constitution were recognition of Natural Rights, not privileges granted by a benevolent government. While these Rights seamed obvious to most of the Framers, James Madison insisted in codifying them, knowing that government tends to draw men of low scruples in pursuit of power.


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