Special inspector says he can’t say that $2B in US aid to Afghanistan isn’t funding Taliban – IOTW Report

Special inspector says he can’t say that $2B in US aid to Afghanistan isn’t funding Taliban

JTN: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko said Wednesday he cannot say whether $2 billion U.S. tax dollars given to Afghanistan assistance are not funding the Taliban.

The United States has appropriated $2 billion in Afghanistan assistance since withdrawing from the country in 2021, Sopko testified to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability during a hearing on the Afghanistan withdrawal.

“As I sit here today, I cannot assure this committee or the American taxpayer we are not currently funding the Taliban,” he said. more

9 Comments on Special inspector says he can’t say that $2B in US aid to Afghanistan isn’t funding Taliban

  1. That’ll teach ‘um
    Math is Hard
    So is Fucking Around and Finding Out
    I see no reason to keep fucking around in other countries businesses when we have fucked up businesses right here inside our own home. Much less send $2 Billion Dollars for anything at all, much less paying more democracy now teachers to go profess doctrine and subversion of the youth and women from within.

    Sound Familiar?

    PS: The word Taliban translates to Student is what has been heard.


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