Special prosecutor in Jussie Smollett investigation finds Kim Foxx’s office mishandled case – IOTW Report

Special prosecutor in Jussie Smollett investigation finds Kim Foxx’s office mishandled case

FOX: The special prosecutor tasked with probing the state’s attorney’s handling of the Jussie Smollett investigation in Chicago has ruled the office abused its discretion in the case against the actor, but did nothing criminal.

In a statement on the conclusions of his investigation, special prosecutor Dan Webb sharply criticized the handling of the Smollett case by Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and her assistant prosecutors, saying their handling was marked by disarray and misleading statements. more

13 Comments on Special prosecutor in Jussie Smollett investigation finds Kim Foxx’s office mishandled case

  1. Tell me again that voter fraud can be managed. We all know what’s going on, but it’ll be two elections later before something gets done about it, if that, while the Complicit Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media pisses on our heads and tells us it’s just raining!

  2. “Special prosecutor in Jussie Smollett investigation finds Kim Foxx’s office mishandled case”
    (low voice) NOOOOOOOO…………
    (high voice) REEEEEEEALY?…………
    Ya THINK? Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could’a seen that one from a mile away.
    Now what? Water is wet? Fire is hot?


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