UPDATE: SPECIAL SHOW TONIGHT U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko SUNDAY Sept 2nd 8:30PM to 10:30pm – IOTW Report

UPDATE: SPECIAL SHOW TONIGHT U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko SUNDAY Sept 2nd 8:30PM to 10:30pm


SPECIAL SHOW TONIGHT U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

SUNDAY Sept 2nd 8:30PM to 10:30pm – LINK to LISTEN to the SHOW HERE

@Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE IN STUDIO TOGETHER taking your calls with Special Surprise Guests.

CALL in # (323) 870-3371


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42 Comments on UPDATE: SPECIAL SHOW TONIGHT U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko SUNDAY Sept 2nd 8:30PM to 10:30pm

  1. Whoaup, there Abigail. I was going to mention Meghan MCCain’s nasty eulogy: I was at a wake today for a friend, a real veteran. I’m going to another on Wednesday, another Veteran. I was going to quote the wannabee first daughter’s slap at President Trump. “The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.”
    If so Meghan, why the hell did your old man align himself with the socialist Barack Obama to “fundamentally change America”? You make no sense girl. But you were speaking to an elitist bunch of, for the most part, Trump haters.
    Maybe Mr. Pinko will read this. I’don’t think I’ll call ’cause I just come from an Irish wake, if ya know what I mean?
    Happy Labor Day you deplorables, who work for a living.

  2. Tommy — I was half-kidding. Glad Mr. P. read your comment. I didn’t hear her say the things she said — I haven’t watched a single moment of coverage. But it seems very petty and undignified to take the stage in memory of one’s father in order to make a political statement. It degrades everyone, not least the deceased. I guess funerals are like all the Hollywood award shows, now. Just another opportunity to look and sound pathetic.

  3. Watch in the news the next few weeks the dems big thing is going to be reach across the isle to work with us to get things done.
    This is a big non starter for us, all they want to do is slow things down and stop the Trump agenda. The jig is up they all showed their true colors at the McCain show.
    If they fall for this we need to vote them all OUT in 2020 and just hope we can get the people that will support P.Trump fully in office.

  4. James Wood tweeted this today regarding the Neil Armstrong movie:

    The greatest miscalculation in movie promotion is to piss off your target audience while trying to appease people who would never be interested in the subject matter anyway. Flag hating #liberals were never going to see the moon landing movie. Now many patriots won’t either. Sad.

    — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 2, 2018″

  5. “The American diplomats and family members who mysteriously fell ill while stationed at the US embassy in Havana may have been zapped by microwaves that can cause brain injuries, according to a frightening report Saturday.”

    Hey, at least the get free healthcare, right?

  6. Some Italian guy (part of the film) said that they wanted to make the moon landing a “world thing” rather than just the U.S. Funny thing, really. Pretty soon they’ll be wanting everything that we do successfully (economy, anyone?) as a humanity thing.

  7. Try about $125 – the last time my ex says he paid cash, a few years ago. The last time I did, it was $57, about ten years ago. How many big trucks do you think go over the GW bridge a day? Throgs Neck? I used to pick up 287 at the CT line, which took me 50 miles out of my way to avoid 1) the tolls and 2) the visible branch establishment of hell locally known as the Cross-Bronx Expressway. The cpm v tolls worked out and avoiding that horror was without price.

    Sorry I missed the show. I’ve been going pillar to post getting things ready for the new school year and had tonight penciled in to listed, knowing I couldn’t make it all the way through the live broadcast. Then y’all pulled a fast one, lol.


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