SPENCER: Lindsey Graham Is Wrong: It’s Long Past Time to Get Out of Afghanistan – IOTW Report

SPENCER: Lindsey Graham Is Wrong: It’s Long Past Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

Jihad Watch: The occasionally courageous and insightful Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) predicted Tuesday that if President Trump withdraws American troops from Afghanistan, “there will be another 9/11.” Sounding as tough as he ever does, Graham warned: “You may be tired of fighting radical Islam, but they’re not tired of fighting you.” But that’s not what getting out of Afghanistan would mean. If leaving American troops in Afghanistan until the end of time is the only way we can fight the global jihad, we’re done for.

Graham is ignoring the fact that we’re not really fighting “radical Islam” in Afghanistan as it is, and another 9/11 could happen while we are there. The former chief of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, was asked late last year what the U.S. should do in Afghanistan now. Here is McChrystal’s response:

I don’t know. I wish I did … If we pull out and people like al-Qaeda go back, it’s unacceptable for any political administration in the [United States]. It would just be disastrous, and it would be a pain for us. If we put more troops in there and we fight forever, that’s not a good outcome either. I’m not sure what [is] the right answer. My best suggestion is to keep a limited number of forces there and just kind of muddle along and see what we can do.

McChrystal is not alone. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, said much the same thing: MORE

11 Comments on SPENCER: Lindsey Graham Is Wrong: It’s Long Past Time to Get Out of Afghanistan

  1. What is our goal in remaining there?

    Specifically what do we intend to accomplish and how are we going about it?

    Those two questions need specific and detailed answers if we are to remain there.

  2. Strategically, the place we should have kept a troop presence was IRAQ.
    Afghanistan is questionable.
    Iraq is central to the Middle East. Has resources galore. A semi-literate populace.
    We had a relatively peaceful situation there.
    Afghanistan is land-locked, has few resources, high illiteracy.
    But when America elected a stupid evil Democrat Muslim to the presidency, those of us that pay attention knew stupid policies would be made. Obama evacuated Iraq, leaving all the gains we made for humanity. Unleashing ISIS. Killing off Christianity in the M.E.
    Instead, Obama ramped up the presence in Afghanistan. Why? For what purpose?

  3. Graham (2.Zero) is so insightful he would have us stay in the ME for a few more decades. But I would disagree with Robert Spencer, Graham is neither courageous or insightful. Even occasionally.

  4. Make our allies and ourselves completely independent of Middle East Oil, and then cut all ties to it, and the rest of the Muslim world

    Oil is the only reason we had to put up with their lunacies in the first place, right?

  5. Fit drones with herbicide-spraying & infrared capability.

    Fly at night carrying Roundup or another defoliant and a ground sterilant of your choice. Bye Bye poppy fields.

    It’d be fun watching Mustafa the Goatfucker trying to grow crops in sterile soil.


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