Spencer: NY Times Sees ‘Disturbing Trend’ of Treating Islam as ‘Not a Religion’ – IOTW Report

Spencer: NY Times Sees ‘Disturbing Trend’ of Treating Islam as ‘Not a Religion’

PJM: It’s a “disturbing trend,” says Asma T. Uddin, a Muslim attorney, in the New York Times: “In recent years, state lawmakers, lawyers and influential social commentators have been making the case that Muslims are not protected by the First Amendment. Why? Because, they argue, Islam is not a religion.”

What it is, say Uddin’s targets, is a political system: “John Bennett, a Republican state legislator in Oklahoma, said in 2014, ‘Islam is not even a religion; it is a political system that uses a deity to advance its agenda of global conquest.’ In 2015, a former assistant United States attorney, Andrew C. McCarthy, wrote in National Review that Islam ‘should be understood as conveying a belief system that is not merely, or even primarily, religious.’ In 2016, Michael Flynn, who the next year was briefly President Trump’s national security adviser, told an ACT for America conference in Dallas that ‘Islam is a political ideology’ that ‘hides behind the notion of it being a religion.’ In a January 2018 news release, Neal Tapio of South Dakota, a Republican state senator who was planning to run for the United States House of Representatives, questioned whether the First Amendment applies to Muslims.”

Merriam Webster defines “religion” as “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.” Islam certainly qualifies as a religion by that definition. Religions profess to connect human beings to the divine. Islam professes to do that. At the same time, however, it is also a political system that is authoritarian, supremacist, discriminatory, expansionist, violent, and aggressive.

Asma T. Uddin must be aware of that fact but ignores it entirely, instead giving the impression that Sharia is simply religious law, and opposition to Sharia is simply motivated by religious bigotry and “Islamophobia.” Read More

21 Comments on Spencer: NY Times Sees ‘Disturbing Trend’ of Treating Islam as ‘Not a Religion’

  1. I agree with Bennett, it’s not a religion, but a freak who created a global killing spree. So that he may be honered in his death. And the light minded fell for it.

  2. islam just needs a lil’ IOTW help in promoting itself. Like… how about a snappy slogan for them? People love snappy slogans.

    ISLAM- even pedos gotta’ pray.

    ISLAM- it’s the bomb.

    A snappy slogan like that is sure to increase their popularity.

  3. A death cult perpetuated by murder, slavery, pedophilia, sexual perversity, and mayhem. Just to make it short.
    I’d vote for the eradication of everything and anything related to this abomination of civilization.

  4. ISLAM- where homosexuality flies.

    ISLAM- not as f*cked up as Game of Thrones.

    ISLAM- pants optional.

    ISLAM- we’re CRAZY about it.


    ISLAM- home of the clitorectomy.

  5. It doesn’t acknowledge, but denies free will. Nor do they allow tolerance, but demand their own acceptance and that others cater to their intolerance. They may be a religion to some, but for me, I view it as more of a mindset, where the setting of the mind is ideally absolute and beyond the owner of the mind’s influence. I’ve read quite a bit of Kipling, and he had better experiences with them, in his day than I do in mine. They are about due for a reformation. And if they won’t follow our laws and respect our constitution, they should get out of our country, as they have no business being here.

  6. I throw out the challenge;

    Dare if you will, to show me ANY religion that openly and consistently promotes the death and destruction of Any other religion, faith, belief…..etc.
    Islam considers itself supreme and in their phucked up world…no other religion shall exist.
    I believe they are just a little bit short on tolerance.
    Which makes them completely intolerable.

  7. @Jellybean- they depend on the tolerance of others for their intolerance to spread. Just as the left re-defines words, with their ‘controlling the narrative,’ on one not so fine day, when their numbers are sufficient, islam will tell others what freedom and liberty really mean to them. That is the day they lie, kill and deceive for.
    I guess I’m not a fan. I wish there were examples to convince me otherwise, but I fail to see them.

  8. Let’s us not confuse Islam with ISLAMIST.

    All the religion ‘know it alls’ aside.

    Most of the merchants I get my BEER and backwoods from are “Moooslam”. Do they want to take over? Maybe. Are they good people? YES. Do they curse me in Farsi on the way out? Who knows?

    One of the GREAT families, merchants, I go to appear to be Moooslam but hey, they are…Lebanese CHRISTIANS.

    The Islamists need a Reformation.

    Spoken as a Cat-lick.


  9. Historically we have been fighting Islam since 1095. I’m thinking its going to go on a little longer. Islam’s barbaric commandments, then and now, are totally incompatible with a democratic society. Early leaders of the Catholic church were aware of the dangers of unrestricted growth of Islam, hence the Crusades. There will come a time, probably sooner than later, that we will have to physically fight to retain our rights to live as we choose. I hope this and future generations are up to it.


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