Spicer Apologizes for ‘Insensitive’ Reference to Holocaust – IOTW Report

Spicer Apologizes for ‘Insensitive’ Reference to Holocaust

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer apologized Tuesday for making an “inappropriate and insensitive” comparison to the Holocaust in earlier comments about Syrian President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons — remarks that drew instant rebuke from critics and Jewish groups.

Spicer said in an interview with CNN that he was trying to make a point about Assad’s use of chemical weapons and gas against his people but “mistakenly made an inappropriate and insensitive reference to the Holocaust, for which there is no comparison. And for that I apologize. It was a mistake to do that.”  read more

16 Comments on Spicer Apologizes for ‘Insensitive’ Reference to Holocaust

  1. You see children, this is the error of thinking that you’re such a special, special, prinxess that you can make people that call you their enemy like you, and love you, and respect you, if only you apologize for their fake stories, sincerely, and often, enough.

    Starting with:
    “During the daily White House briefing, Spicer told reporters that Adolf Hitler ‘didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.'”

    That happens to be completely true. Many of the chemical weapons still in (generally illegal) production, today, were discovered and industrialized in the early twentieth century in Germany. But pre-Nazi Germany had already signed treaties forgoing use of “poisons” in (future) wars against some European states, after The Great War (later called World War I). And while Nazi Germany had industrial scale production of “modern” chemical weapons, they were never launched. (Unlike noble Americans, some people can actually learn from history.)

    Fake news, often run by fake Americans, claimed that the use of poisons to execute civilian prisoners (no different than most first world judicial executions in form, though typically not scale), meant that Spicer lied. Yes, those that call Spicer (via Trump) their enemy, said that he lied about the story they made up, because he didn’t say what they wanted him to say, when he didn’t actually say anything about the story they made up.

    At which point:
    Spicer tried to apologize for what he didn’t do, in such a way that the people who made up the story of what he did would deem acceptable, and forgive him for what he didn’t do. As expected, hilarity ensued. (Some people can never learn from history.)

  2. I watched the whole press conference. I recommend it.

    It was a tempest in a tea pot. The press couldn’t wait to explode. The press will distort everything. Their reporting is twisted, fake, innuendo, rumor, in some cases the opposite of what Spicer said.

    One word of advice to Spicer, don’t talk while the reporter is asking the question. Let the bastard get the question out THEN hammer them.

  3. ” Spicer was asked about his initial statement but delivered a garbled defense of his remarks…”

    Garbled defense = we don’t like him, therefore nothing he says is acceptable.

  4. Never apologize; Never explain.

    Hitler never “approved” of the use of Zyklon-B (prussic acid) against the Jews.
    It was an innovation of Rudolf Hoess’. The method (at the time) was gunshot (as at Babi Yar) or, later, carbon monoxide from internal combustion engine exhaust, but that proved too time-consuming and limiting in terms of numbers of victims.
    These methods were “approved” by Himmler, if any “approval” was necessary, and such details were beyond the scope of the general disposition of the Jews, Gypsies, Communists, Homosexuals, Seventh Day Adventists, &c.

    Spicer needn’t go to such extremes to vilify Assad – it should be sufficient that he’s the “asshole de jour.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Czar of Defenestration April 12, 2017 at 10:20 am

    > You need to look up “Zyklon B.”

    Zyklon B was used in the same manner as CO.

    Is this where I proffer that “I’m so, so, sorry for what you” (allegedly) “imagine I did.”?

  6. Has everyone forgotten about how barack obama uncle helped liberate Auscwitz

    I dont remember any snarky comments like, “Senator Obama, seeing how no American soldier was within 500 miles when the Red Army overran Aushwitz, how could your uncle have liberated it? Did he show the family’s Commie stripes by deserting and joining the red Army”

    “And what’s with this idea of “liberating” Aushwitz. There was no liberation; the inmates were evacuated months before the red Army arrived and made to march thru brutal winter weather to concentration camps in the West. Tens of thousands of them died.”

    “In light of this, Senator Obama, when can we expect an apology for your grossly insensitive lack of concern for these tens of thousands of victims?”

    Use it, BFH. We can play this bullshit game, too

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