Spicer: Media Freaked Out By Trump Using Twitter to Have a Direct Conversation With Americans – IOTW Report

Spicer: Media Freaked Out By Trump Using Twitter to Have a Direct Conversation With Americans

Breitbart: Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while defending President-elect Donald Trump’s use of Twitter, the incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said,”I think it freaks the mainstream media out that he has this following of over 45-plus million people that follow him on social media, that he can have a direct conversation. He doesn’t have to have it funneled through the media.”  MORE

10 Comments on Spicer: Media Freaked Out By Trump Using Twitter to Have a Direct Conversation With Americans

  1. as long as trump doesn’t do stupid shit with twitter, go for it

    the msm will not provide him fair cover, and he can keep selling america with immediate, direct results

    this guy is all energy, will not slow down, we are lucky to have him and team to turn this country 180

  2. For the past couple of years, Trump has been unconventional but has demonstrated he knows what he is doing. In 2015, I would have given odds that Donald Trump would not have been the Republican nominee, much less the President of the United States, but not only did he win the highest office in the nation, he has essentially assumed the role of President even before Obama has officially left office.

    Let him Tweet. Trump knows it is a waste of time to win over the MSM, so he is continuing to communicate directly to the people. Unless Twitter has the balls to suspend his account – and they don’t – Trump will continue to do what has brought him success.

  3. What’s the problem? I don’t see a problem. I prefer that my public servant, the president, feels obligated to keep me up to speed with what’s going on in my government. I don’t expect him to telephone me all the time with that info. Twitter works really well for me.

    (I also like that Trump is talking about using couriers instead of email to send sensitive info between the WH and recipients.)

  4. I said it last week on this forum.

    Social media shows the everyday goof exactly how the sausage is made!

    For that it’s a fabulous tool.

    The plain old media on the other hand hates everything SOCIAL about social media. It means they cannot lay their tinge of bias on everything the common goof hears. They can no longer spoon feed their colluded narrative as they have for the past 50-60 years. The media’s time has come and gone, that train left the station!

  5. I’m with Abigail– I don’t need the media to interpret (translation: manipulate past the point of recognition) what he says. And that’s exactly why they’re freaked out. Their translation services are not only unnecessary, they SUCK.

  6. @judgeroybean: “tosses out all those … MSM types in the White House Press Corp”.

    Then invite all the conservative bloggers to take their place. I nominate MJA for the iOTWr spokesperson!!!!!!

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