Spike in donations, volunteers to GOP – IOTW Report

Spike in donations, volunteers to GOP


500% spike in donations, volunteers to GOP after Dem ‘mob’ attacks.

Republican supporters are reacting to Democratic “mob” protests of President Trump and his Supreme Court pick with something that might be more important in the midterm congressional elections than signs and shouts — money and shoe leather.

Republican National Committee officials have revealed that during the height of the fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the court, donations surged an unheard of 500 percent.

And that followed another donor surge in the month before, including one day that marked the largest online fundraising day ever.

What’s more, volunteers have flooded into party offices eager to help get out the vote in the midterm elections. One fact: 50 percent of those the party cold called to seek their help in the upcoming election committed to volunteering, far more than the typical 7 percent.

“The Left’s angry mob has Republicans energized,” RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel tweeted.  more here

5 Comments on Spike in donations, volunteers to GOP

  1. We could get Jim Jordan for speaker. Have you seen how much money that requires? All the power in congress is Purchased. This has kept good candidates out… but if we can get Jordan, I’ll send him money every month if needed.

  2. I love history. AND I love Americans. Sadly, what is happening now reminds me what the US was like in the 1850’s, in the run-up to the Civil War. I truly hope I am wrong, but should the Republicans win the mid-terms (which I fervently hope happens), I think the unhinged Left will start shooting people. If that happens, I think there will be a very short Civil War. Start by stopping all food deliveries to the large coastal cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York. They will not last long.


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