SPLC slashes staff by 25%, union says – IOTW Report

SPLC slashes staff by 25%, union says

The Southern Poverty Law Center, an IRS designated charity with almost a billion dollars in “reserves,” laid off a quarter of its staff. In a scathing rebuke from the SPLC Union that represents staff with the charity, the organization was slammed for the decision, which they say will have “a catastrophic impact” on the work done by the SPLC.

While the union lists immigration justice and the “mission to dismantle white supremacy,” the SPLC also has expanded their “hate watch” map to include parents rights groups Christian and religious groups, critics of child sex changes, and others who do not toe the line of progressive ideology. The SPLC’s list includes medical organizations Do No Harm, Genspect, Partners for Ethical Care, and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, placing them alongside recognized white supremacy organizations including KKK chapters.   more

9 Comments on SPLC slashes staff by 25%, union says

  1. The SPLC is near the top of the list of ‘Hate America’ Organizations! It is just below the Democrat Party (and the ACLU) et al! The Demon party is above them only because it is the largest, best funded, and best organized ‘Hate America’ Terrorist organization in the world!

  2. @Anonymous – in fact major companies including Amazon, Uber, and Lyft publicly announced several years ago that they looked to (and paid) SPLC to be their ‘moral compass’. And I am sure it was million$ from each – and likely many other companies too.


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