Sports Illustrated Terminates Most Staffers in Mass Layoff – IOTW Report

Sports Illustrated Terminates Most Staffers in Mass Layoff


Sports Illustrated fully embraced the woke agenda.

For the 2023 swimsuit edition, they chose a transgender biological male for one of the covers.

In 2022, they chose a dangerously obese woman and a 74-year-old dietician for the coveted swimsuit issue.

They have openly glamorized the oppression of women and promoted Sharia law by featuring a Muslim woman donning a hijab and burkini. more

20 Comments on Sports Illustrated Terminates Most Staffers in Mass Layoff

  1. I never got the link between bikini clad young females and sports.

    In England in the 19th century and maybe later, teenage boys were encouraged to engage in soccer, rugby, cricket, rowing, etc., so they’d get their minds off of girls and have no energy left for masturbation, or so I read somewhere. IOW, sports was an antidote to sexual cravings.

    SI did not follow that model.

  2. This is another difficult day in what has been a difficult four years for Sports Illustrated under Arena Group (previously The Maven) stewardship. We are calling on ABG to ensure the continued publication of SI and allow it to serve our audience in the way it has for nearly 70 years

    You needn’t bother.
    Your former audience

  3. SI lacks the courage of its convictions. I don’t think they ever included a 60 pound anorexic young female in a bikini in their Swimsuit issue, or a young girl with no arms or a young girl with one leg, or a girl(s) with two heads.

    These are examples of young females that could have been included in the SI Swimsuit edition, but no, SI didn’t have the guts to do it. For SI, being inclusive has its limits.

  4. The thing is these boards of directors don’t seem to be learning jack shit. Look a Disney Corp. How stupid are you people? And now United Airlines? Fly United. Not with your new freak CEO.

  5. OK, so a young fella is watching the 4th Qtr of the Super Bowl with his friends, which is all tied up with 3 minutes left in the game. He spots the SI Swimsuit edition from the coffee table, picks it up, starts looking at the pictures, and then excuses himself to go to the bathroom, taking the Swimsuit edition with him. 15 minutes later he comes out, all smiles. But he finds out he missed the winning TD by the team he was rooting for.

    His friends chide him continually for missing the TD and the end of the game. All he can do is grin and bear it for the rest of his life.

  6. Follow the money and you’ll find nefarious sources (billionaire freaks and Chicomms) happily funding woke loser films and mags, just to get them in the pipeline to ruin younger people who will come across them.


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