Spring breaker nails police car with football, warrant issued – IOTW Report

Spring breaker nails police car with football, warrant issued

spring break football police car  jpg

FOX5: A spring breaker thought it would be a bright idea to throw a football at a police vehicle patrolling the beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama.

A video of the ill-advised toss – which displays the young man’s absolute cannon of an arm – was posted online. more

6 Comments on Spring breaker nails police car with football, warrant issued

  1. Get this guy to Cleveland Browns workouts NOW. Not only does he have a good pocket presence and a strong arm, but this would be the least legally offensive act committed by the Browns QB in several months!

  2. While it may be stupid I’m not sure it is any worse than all the illegal acts I saw at the Trump Rally in Chicago where the police simply ignored the law breakers. Why would this stupid but harmless act be a big deal except to this man’s mother and father?

  3. Wait a sec…rioters in Baltimore and Ferguson walk while they commit mayhem & arson and this guy is getting arrested??? Flash robbers loot Wal-Marts and walk and a guy throwing a football at the beach is a fugitive??

    On a side note, eff the Browns, now that Manning and Osweiler are gone, he should head to Denver-he’s got an arm like Elway had.

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