Springtime for Censors – IOTW Report

Springtime for Censors

Patriot Retort:

So the Biden administration has decided to create a Homeland Security board full of censors and put a former drama club attention-seeker with the emotional age of a thirteen-year-old in charge of it.

Is anybody else feeling like we’re being punked?

This has to be the single most ridiculous thing that this administration has done since Joe Biden stumbled into the White House, and that’s saying a LOT.

At the same time, we should’ve seen this coming.

Homeland Security establishing a Ministry of Censors is the logical conclusion to what this administration has been veering toward since it first admitted it was urging social media companies to do more to combat “disinformation” about COVID vaccines.

Creating a “Disinformation Governance Board” is wildly unconstitutional, a direct violation of the First Amendment, and the very dystopian nightmare the idiot ResistanceLOL claimed Trump would create. more

21 Comments on Springtime for Censors

  1. I wonder if they’re even competent enough to carry out their mission. So far, the entire Biden administration is nothing but a bunch of dumb hacks.

  2. Spring Time For Censors misses what’s taking place here. It’s white noise. A distraction. I have a lot of 2A buddies mystified why this Nazi Admin hasn’t directly attacked the second amendment yet. They’re swinging for the bleachers. They will try and repeal the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution before the mid terms. This will require a huge white flag opp. It’s coming.

  3. not only do they want to determine what the pen writes, they want to turn the pen upside down and use the eraser. Heck it isn’t that they want to do those things- they already do them.
    They are fearful of losing the ‘narrative.’
    the time of ‘100 monkeys’ is upon us

  4. This has got to be a set up for something big they want to pull for the mid terms.
    This is so far off the Constitution even the commies pulling strings know it won’t get past the first court challenge.

    It’s also no coincidence that Obama made some speeches in the weeks before the ministry of truth announcement where he carried on about the need to squash unacceptable information and speech and opinions.

  5. “It’s a liberal leftist woke administration.”

    Yeah, like National Socialist Germany, Soviet Socialist Russia, Communist China, Communist North Korea, Castro’s Cuba, Hoxha’s Albania, Ceaușescu’s Romania, Fascist Italy … nothing ridiculous or funny about them.

    War, famine, pestilence, and death follow in their footsteps.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It use to be “Don’t pick a fight with someone that buys ink by the barrel.” Now, not so much. They want to dry up the oil supply along with the printing ink supply.

  7. This is too ridiculous to be a legitimate act. It’s a distraction from something much bigger, much more sinister that we may not even be able to comprehend it until it is staring us in the face.

  8. Get used to it. MiniTru ain’t going away, and the only fighting is going to be over who runs it. This freak that the Uniparty stood up is only there so that their real choice will be hailed as thoughtful and reasonable…somebody that Mitt Romney would be comfortable with.

    Hell, it might even be Mitt Romney who replaces her.

  9. ^^^^ you could be right. They’ll change out the person at the head of the propaganda department and say- ‘see, we’re giving you what you want.’ They’ve done that before. Thst’s how they do things. And npc’s will be glad.
    but that isn”t what people want
    we want our freedom, and we want it now.

  10. Mrs. Fish required me to take her on a half hour internets journey to prove to her that this wasn’t parody. She was THAT convinced her eyes were lying.

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