Spygate gets an irresistible story element: a femme fatale – IOTW Report

Spygate gets an irresistible story element: a femme fatale


We are in the midst of a battle of rival narratives.  The GOP narrative is that the Obama administration horrifyingly mobilized law enforcement and intelligence resources to spy on a rival-party presidential campaign and presidency.  The Democrats’ narrative is that William Barr is a liar who ought to be impeached and everything done to the Trump campaign was somehow justified.

The GOP’s narrative just got an essential element in mystery tales: a femme fatale.  In what is a transparent attempt to “get ahead of the story” and thereby minimize the impact of revelations about to become public, the New York Times described how a female operative — a home-grown Mata Hari — was sent to England, posing as the research assistant of Cambridge Professor Stefan Halper (a longtime CIA and FBI operative) to flirt with and question George Papadopoulos on Trump campaign activities, including possible collaboration with Russia.

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12 Comments on Spygate gets an irresistible story element: a femme fatale

  1. …one of the oldest tricks in the Devil’s tool box. Johnny Rivers sang it best…

    “Beware of pretty faces that you find
    A pretty face can hide an evil mind
    Ah, be careful what you say
    Or you’ll give yourself away
    Odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow

    Secret agent man, secret agent man
    They’ve given you a number and taken away your name
    Secret agent man, secret agent man
    They’ve given you a number and taken away your name

    Swingin’ on the Riviera one day
    And then layin’ in the Bombay alley next day
    Oh no, you let the wrong word slip
    While kissing persuasive lips
    The odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow…”


  2. Was she also accompanied secretly by Boris Badenov under orders from Fearless Leader to use her feminine wiles to set a trap for George Papadopoulos. It was all the moose and squirrels fault. This whole narrative just gets more goofy and bizarre with every twist and turn.

  3. Gee Wally, ya know… looking back on things, I think peeing on a bed was just practice for peeing on the heads of the American people and telling them it’s just raining!

    Not only that Beave, but it’s been a heluva long rainy season!!
    It’s high time for the sun to come out and disinfect Washington DC!

  4. Bongob MAY 4, 2019 AT 9:25 AM
    “They shoulda used stormy daniels…..she does anal”

    …you mean, she does Avernatti? I don’t think she does any more.

    …but, Nadler’s pretty anal, though. Maybe next time…

  5. It all reads farcically amateurish.

    Apparently, our spy agencies should stick to murdering the unarmed innocent and chasing space aliens – heaven knows they can’t find the 20 million REAL aliens among us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. First of all our 17 vaunted and extremely expensive intelligence agencies self admittedly couldn’t stop the Russians from supposed election collusion and then our 17 vaunted and extremely expensive intelligence agencies self admittedly couldn’t prove the Russians were involved in election collusion! What good are they?

  7. More to the point, all this so-called “Russian Collusion” didn’t fill stadiums with enthusiastic people at Trump rallys time and time and time again! In other words, the long darkness and false promises of the 2 1/2 year long “Rat Spring” nightmare is just about over just in time for the the bright sunlight of a REAL Recovery Summer right around the corner!

  8. Who in their right mind could possibly think that Russian Collusion is anything but pretext for a Party of assholes who think illegal alien invaders should be allowed to vote in our elections.

    The whole Democrat shitshow is preposterous.

  9. It is a battle of truth vs. narrative, not a battle of narratives. You create a narrative when the facts make you look bad.

    Oh, by the way, my brother’s friends cousin did extensive research on this topic as part of his thesis but has yet to find evidence, despite hours and hours of viewing, that Stormy does anal.


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