‘Spygate’ Professor Stefan Halper Claims Immunity Against Russian-British Academic’s Lawsuit – IOTW Report

‘Spygate’ Professor Stefan Halper Claims Immunity Against Russian-British Academic’s Lawsuit

Daily Caller:

Stefan Halper, the former Cambridge University professor who allegedly met with several Trump campaign aides as an FBI informant, asked a federal judge Tuesday to dismiss a defamation lawsuit that a Russian-British academic filed against him in May, saying government agents have immunity from litigation.

Halper does not confirm he was an FBI informant in his motion to dismiss. He also does not admit to being a source for articles about Svetlana Lokhova, the Russia-born academic. But he argues that if he were an FBI informant, he would have immunity afforded to other government agents. 

“Private individuals who participate in FBI investigations are subject to the federal common law qualified immunity applicable to government agents,” wrote Halper’s lawyers, Terrance Reid, Robert Moir, and Robert Luskin.

“This immunity justifies dismissal here.”

Lokhova, who studied Soviet-era espionage at Cambridge, sued Halper and several news outlets May 23, accusing all of defaming her over contacts she had in February 2014 with Michael Flynn, who then served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Lokhova alleged Halper planted false rumors that she and Flynn began an improper relationship during the 2014 event, which was hosted by the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar. Halper was a co-convener of the seminar, which hosts current and former Western intelligence operatives. READ MORE

10 Comments on ‘Spygate’ Professor Stefan Halper Claims Immunity Against Russian-British Academic’s Lawsuit

  1. “government agents have immunity from litigation.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA>….gak…hack cough cough….sorry, choked on a peanut. Where was I…oh yes.


  2. Halper’s motion asks the court to accept the allegation of his FBI relationship. i.e., working for the FBI. Government employees as a group are entitled to qualified immunity if they acted or are alleged, as here, to have been acting in there employee/official capacity. The qualified immunity can be overcome by showing personal animosity and that the defendant, Halper, wrote or said what he did knowing it wasn’t true. Halper has a good argument.

  3. All to Much, I want to hear his argument when the Clinton hit men pay him a visit.He is in this way deep and he helped start it.
    I would bet he is singing like a bird on the first day of spring,and begging don’t send me to New York they will kill me.
    He is a Traitor don’t forget that.
    He was and is a big part of the group that was trying to take down P.Trump. The info is out there about him and what he was doing. Go to the Treehouse and read about him. He was a contractor not a full time FBI agent. He is throwing up a smoke screen,but with this group I could be wrong.


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