Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump – IOTW Report

Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump

Epoch Times: Efforts by high-ranking officials in the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice (DOJ), and State Department to portray President Donald Trump as having colluded with Russia were the culmination of years of bias and politicization under the Obama administration.

The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.

A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative.

The Spygate scandal also raises a bigger question: Was the 2016 election a one-time aberration, or was it symptomatic of decades of institutional political corruption?

This article builds on dozens of congressional testimonies, court documents, and other research to provide an inside look at the actions of Obama administration officials in the scandal that’s become known as Spygate.

To understand this abuse of power, it helps to go back to July 2011, when DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz was appointed.  MORE

SNIP: Yes, it’s a long article. But an excellent one.  Have snacks and a beverage handy.

17 Comments on Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump

  1. It’s been suggested that Obama the Kenyan clown will claim Kenyan citizenship when the kitchen stars to get hot in order to escape prosecution.

    Who will he throw under the bus before he attempts his departure?

    Maybe he’ll be Clintoncided before he exposes anyone. God only knows.

  2. It’s an interesting read. Let me summarize: a skunk was in charge of the administration and he surrounded himself with other lying, cheating, traitorous, corrupt skunks. Bastards all.

  3. At least you guys dont have to see Comeys parents at the local market like I do. We reside in that lyin’ douchebags hometown.
    I have to bite my tongue whenever I see them (not much tongue left). They are elderly and since I’m not a lefty faggot, I just smile and ignore them. Hell, they have a plaque, foto, and letter of Jimmy at the high skool the kids walk past everyday. I wonder why Jimmy is currently in NZ? He doesnt surf, fish, river raft, climb mountains. Maybe checking up on his bunker?

  4. Epoch Times is fine, but the Treehouse/Sundance(s) has been on this……FROM THE BEGINNING.

    @ Perry – I voted for RP. The ‘deep state story media told to us story’ was that his daughter, whose was about to be married at the time, was threatened by ‘someone’. Perot said ‘no mas’. Stay out da Bushes…

    Some one can feel free to correct Ghost.


    He quoted Cicero within an effing NYC minute…I could watch this ova and ova…

  5. Jimmy, that is exactly how JFK was assassinated. Not by one patsy guy, but by the co-operation of multiple intel ops’ snipers. 8 ready around the plaza, just in case one shot didn’t do the job. LBJ was happy about it the night before, waiting in the wings for the “shot” to give him the Presidency. Rumor has had it that Pence is maybe waiting, too. Political corruption is just way too rampant.

  6. ^ Part of Ladybird’s and Lyndon’s Beautification of America.

    Don’t get me started! I lived through that whole thing as a well-read high school student and wanted to see Lyndon Johnson strung-up with piano wire.

  7. If the saviors of The Party choose to treat these people as loyal members of The Party — just doing their jobs, perhaps seeing a different way of achieving The Party’s goals, but still loyal Party members — then The Party declares that there is nothing wrong with what they did.

    But, if what they did was beyond The Party’s pale — then they can be afforded no “benefit of the doubt”, as for any betrayer of The Party.

    So, proles, you’ll know exactly how the rest of the Party feels about what these Party members did — just by seeing what happens to them now, before any Party show trials. If they are all disappeared — as were alleged Wikileaks leakers — before any “investigation” is complete, then The Party does not accept such secret police attacks against the citizens. If “The Rule of Law must be followed”, “innocent until proven guilty”, “no trial in the court of public opinion” — then you know that The Party’s “secret” army declaring personal war against citizens who are not Party members, is the whole point of Party membership. The choice is The Party’s, not the proles. But it’s still a very simple question of “us and them”. Who’s the “us” — and who’s the “them”.

  8. An add to article which points very directly at then President Obama, felon-in-chief.

    THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2019
    REPOST: Dan Bongino on Spygate: Obama, Mueller & The Biggest Spy Scandal In American History

    “It happened, folks. The President of the United States had the intelligence community and the law enforcement community of the United States, at the highest levels, weaponized against him.”

    “The Obama administration had grown comfortable with the idea of weaponizing government against their political enemies, and it happened over and over again. ”

    “The Obama administration had gotten completely comfortable with the idea of abusing government for their political means. ”

    “The Obama administration figures out that through unmasking, in other words wiretapping people, pretending they’re targeting foreigners, and then querying information in this database, that they can get all the political opposition research in the world that they need against the Trump team. It’s beautiful, no one’s going to call them out, the media’s on their side, right?”



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