Squatters with ’15’ pit bulls reportedly lay waste to Florida rental property, throw feces at owners – IOTW Report

Squatters with ’15’ pit bulls reportedly lay waste to Florida rental property, throw feces at owners

BPR: Florida property owners may be on the hook for thousands of dollars worth of damage after allegedly having human feces flung at them by a pair of lesbian squatters said to have been found living with as many as 15 pit bulls in their home.

Patti Peeples and Dawn Tiura are the co-owners of a rental property in the Hogan’s Creek neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida. As they explained to Fox News host Lawrence Jones, shortly after they had listed the home for sale, the squatters moved in and refused to leave claiming they were the victims of a rental scam.

“I said, ‘This is a fraudulent lease, the house is not for rent,’” Peeples explained to Jones. They had been presented with a receipt that claimed the squatters had paid someone $3,330 toward a fraudulent lease.

Peeples told News4Jax that she had dispatched a handyman to the location to handle some minor repairs, “And when he went up to the house, he saw that there was a pit bull’s mother with 10 to 14 small puppies on the sunroom porch.”

It was then that she went to investigate what was going on and discovered the squatters who violently forced her out of the residence. Seeking aid from law enforcement proved fruitless as they did not have the authority to remove the couple without a court order.

“We called our attorney to see what our rights were. And he indicated that this had progressed now to grand theft and a criminal matter,” she explained. In the meantime, as the owners spent around $5,00o in attorney’s fees to seek the squatters removal, Peeples explained how they were attacked on a separate occasion while checking on the property. MORE

10 Comments on Squatters with ’15’ pit bulls reportedly lay waste to Florida rental property, throw feces at owners

  1. This is exactly the reason I got out of rentals.

    One time I had a tenant in a commercial property who was shucking & jiving about the rent. Went on for months. He shot ads for black cosmetic products, had some very expensive photo equipment. There were always some beautiful black women being limoed there.

    I had my garage door people remove the OH garage door. He flipped his shit when the door wasn’t reinstalled that afternoon. Guess who paid the rent? Heavens knows what would happen these days, probably a fucking BLM riot in front of that building. I’m too old for that crap now, I’d end up shooting a bunch of people.

  2. Yep. If the po-po won’t do anything without a court order, time to take matters into your own hands…..at night…..from a distance. I leave the rest to the readers’ fertile imagination.


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