Squatting Nanny Says She Will Leave After a List of Demands Are Met – IOTW Report

Squatting Nanny Says She Will Leave After a List of Demands Are Met

Remember the maniac nanny that stopped working and refused to leave her employers house?

Well, this is what she’s demanding-


Diane Stretton’s letter to the family reads:

‘Agreement: I will voluntarily agree to leave by 6pm on 7/6/14 if each and all of the following conditions are met:

1. My WiFi and TV and house air conditioning and water must be continuously on until I vacate. Electricity in my room must be operational.

2. Bathrooms must be stocked up with TP (toilet paper) and hand soap at all times.

3. Marcella and kids must vacate the premises between the hours of 8am and 5pm until 7/6/14 whether I elect to leave during the day or not.

4. Between the hours of 5pm and 8am, I have full access to my room, the garage bathroom and the areas of the house between the front door and my bedroom. I will not linger in these areas.

5. I’m either given access to healthy food or given $200 to eat out. Said access to food shall be limited to hours between 8am and 5pm.

6. Neither the front door nor my bedroom shall be locked in a manner than prevents me from entering. This means the chain must be off and the locks cannot be changed.

In exchanged [sic] for the above, I will agree not to seek any of my legal remedies for your past violations of our agreement.’

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45 Comments on Squatting Nanny Says She Will Leave After a List of Demands Are Met

  1. Put a little something in her demanded health meal to make her sick enough to go to the hospital. Then change the locks and have her stuff packed up and put on the curb.

  2. She will have to sue under other PC law fare like Ageism, Sexual Discrimination or Orientation Discrimination from now on or simply go on SSI disability. Because no one in his right mind would hire her again after this.

    Reap what you sow commie bitch.

  3. I just had a flashback image of a couple of suitcases on a post a couple of days ago…It might take a steamer trunk in her case, maybe even a refrigerator box, but damn if that don’t look like the way to handle it.

    Where’s Jeffrey Dahmer when you need him?

  4. I’d blast Residents albums outside her door 24/7. She’s just stalling. She’ll never leave until her worthless grifter ass gets tossed out by the cops. Bitch deserves to die… seriously. I hate people like this with a white hot passion.

  5. The owners could agree, if *they*, upon her finally leaving, can inspect her bags for stolen toilet paper, soap and other items.

    p.s. Cabbage is “healthy food.” Lots and lots of cabbage, and nothing else, until she departs.

  6. @dude – I like your idea!

    I’d rent a jack hammer and take out some concrete or a chain saw a tree next to her bedroom window. The hand soap would contain enough lye to peel couple layers of skin off (tried making soap from our pig lard and lye- actually buying soap is safer). Toilet paper would be that cheap kind where her fingers go thru it. And if the family can’t be near her certain time of day….well it doesn’t mean she can’t have a visit from the hells angels!! 100 crackling Harley’s surrounding the house!

  7. the owner of that house must be a real whimp.. I know for a fact I could have her out of there in less then 24 hours easily.. being an ex-prison guard, I would verbally abuse, confront and berate her…until she hit me.. then I’d call the cops and have her arrested for domestic violence. Game over bitch!
    Confrontation, it’s a wonderful tool when used properly..

  8. Ann Barnhardt needs steady employment, and this nanny job seems like it might appeal to her.

    Of course, having Barnhardt as a live-in would probably bring divine protection to the domicile, a well armed and fit body guard, and some soul redemptive qualities.

    Most people can’t handle that kind of good fortune.

    Ann’s first task would be to remove the old trash, of course. 😉

  9. @Keyser Söze –

    “You’ve been listening to rumor mongers Comrad, there is no Typhus in our city.”

    That clip could also be posted to the thread about The regime silencing the medical staff who are attending to the illegal children flooding the borders.

    “There are no scabies or head lice infecting these children, you must be reading right-wing web sites.”

  10. The homeowners must be progressive liberal O’Flame-o voters.

    This should have been avoided at the onset of problems by taking nanny for a ride dropping her at a bus station, giving her two weeks pay and money for a bus ticket, packing her belongings and shipping them to her at a provided address or to her attorney.

    If she were offended, let her call the cops, hire an attorney and file a law suit against her employees.

  11. They hired someone that is obviously nuts from craiglist and didn’t vet her at all. They are lucky she didn’t slaughter the whole family. I have no sympathy for them. Are they illegal?

  12. She would leave my home either vertically or horizontally.

    WTF.. WHY would you hire a stranger from Craigslist to look after your children, anyway?

    There is so much fail here.

  13. Id give her 1 Hour to clear out, comply or Slayer gets played at high enough volume to drown out the beating.Drag the unconcious bitch to the curb & pile her crap on top. Wait till she wakes & give her 10 Minutes to remove her shit before the GAs hits it….

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