St. Louis woman charged for arson of 7-Eleven during George Floyd riots in 2020 – IOTW Report

St. Louis woman charged for arson of 7-Eleven during George Floyd riots in 2020

Washington Examiner: A 26-year-old woman was charged in connection to arson during George Floyd riots in St. Louis in 2020. Nautica Turner conspired with a group to destroy a 7-Eleven, poured lighter fluid inside, and set it on fire, prosecutors said. The alleged incident occurred on June 1, 2020, at the height of protests after Floyd’s death. more

12 Comments on St. Louis woman charged for arson of 7-Eleven during George Floyd riots in 2020

  1. As a Tradesman who has to physically build things, I find it extremely offensive that useless cum shots that should have been blasted against the wall exist and destroy that which they know not how to create.

    It deserves death.

  2. This is a joke, right? A black woman charged with arson during a fake black outrage riot? Color me not black, but outraged, that a black person would actually be held accountable for her actions. But who am I kidding, in the end charges will be dropped.

  3. How about the kid that shot up a school in Texas and is out on FUCKING bail.

    Great message justice system!

    GuvNah needs to step in!!!

    (if he can, No idea, sittin Duck in Turdeau’s Canuckistan)

  4. “Floyd was a black man killed on May 25, 2020, by a white Minneapolis police officer.”
    Wait what! Everything I’ve read has led me to believe that the criminal floyd died of a fentanyl o.d. and while officer Chaven probably failed to pay attention, was not out to kill George.


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