St. Patrick’s Day deemed ‘cultural appropriation’ – IOTW Report

St. Patrick’s Day deemed ‘cultural appropriation’

st pats day women

CampusReform: An op-ed in Concordia College’s student newspaper argues that St. Patrick’s Day, like Cinco de Mayo, is a form of “cultural appropriation” on the part of revelers who do not share those ethnicities.

“Similar to the way many non-Mexicans celebrate ‘Cinco de Mayo,’ most of the people who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day are not Irish,” Johnny Wagner writes Thursday in The Concordian. “St. Patrick’s Day seems like just a harmless day on which people go to parades and drink lots of beer, but is it actually an example of subtle cultural appropriation?”  MORE

17 Comments on St. Patrick’s Day deemed ‘cultural appropriation’

  1. Almost nothing will make these people happy.

    Nothing but your absolute blind obedience to their fascist dictates regarding what you may or may not think, how much you may or may not earn, how sorry you must be for something you never participated in, and how many legs are good (four legs are good, two legs are better).

  2. May 5 isn’t even a real Mexican holiday – just an excuse to sell a lot of Corona and XX beer.
    Of course, when El Presidente celebrated it early one year, it was Quatro de Cinco (4 of 5).

  3. That whiny sound coming out of your Social Justice Wanker mouth is an approximation the English language. Those insane thoughts drooled on to the pages of your paper are in the English language.

    Are you English? Do you live in England? That’s cultural appropriation. Got it? Now STFU up and eff off.


  4. cultural appropriation? I thought we were all one world. Does this mean that everyone has a right to their own race, creed, color, culture, history, background, inventions and customs (and outsiders cannot infringe)? Hey world let’s start by everyone who is not white and American take off your Denims, turn in your TV’s and cell phones and ….ad infinitum…. and go back to the dark ages!

  5. The balkanization of America is to be strictly enforced to the point of absurdity. I pity the young shit who ever dares to get in my face with this multicult doctrine.

  6. Of all the lunacy the left has come up with, “cultural appropriation” has to be among the stupidest. See how this works? If you hate a different culture you’re a racist. If you love a different culture… you’re a racist cultural appropriator!
    Just make sure you never have a slice of pizza again if you’re not Italian. Not Chinese? Forget that General Tso’s Chicken! Not muslim? Don’t go beheading anyone!

  7. DAAYMMM!! That’s my old (Lutheran run) alma mater. Are you kidding me—IT’S even infested???
    (The Republicans left me—not I, them. Now the Lutherans have left me—not I, them.) Geeeeeez.

  8. This “appropriation” crap pisses me off. To me, it’s the most obvious oppression that gets traction today.

    A counter narrative needed. Dress like you want and call it:

    Cultural appreciation

    Cultural celebration

    Cultural acceptance

    F**k! I don’t care what you call it, but we have to take any and all wind out of this sail. Dead.

    It’s the most effective dividing tool I’ve seen lately. It’s got to die.

    If my European rooted ass wants to dress like an American Indian because I think they’re the shits, then so be it. Eff whatever you think about it.

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