St. Paul schools spend millions on ‘white privilege’ training – IOTW Report

St. Paul schools spend millions on ‘white privilege’ training

Teachers complain, chaos reigns…

got privilege

8 Comments on St. Paul schools spend millions on ‘white privilege’ training

  1. Like raping 2 dozen women and getting away with it.

    Like burning and looting your town and having the mayor tell the cops ‘hands off’

    That ‘White Privilege’

  2. Easiest to inculcate and foster victimhood in kids. Victims then may use any tactic to exact “justice” from their oppressors.

    Whitey isn’t going to rape, shoot, stab, murder and loot himself you know. And what communist takeover is complete without street violence, chaos and collapse?

  3. The sad part is that this is the route most school districts have or will be taking, thanks to the progressive Libtards in control of our school systems.
    It’s time for conservatives to step up and take back our schools!

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