Stacey Abrams got special treatment in office and even got wealthy on the taxpayer dime – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams got special treatment in office and even got wealthy on the taxpayer dime

FOX: Just three years after it was reported that taxpayers bailed out bad loans made by Stacy Abrams’ financial technology company NOW Corp.(previously NOWaccount), the company that Abrams helped start managed to secure $29 million in new financing from a private equity firm in late 2021.

Interestingly, in 2018 Abrams’ net worth was reported to be just $109,000. However, just as NOW Corp.’s fortunes changed in three years, Abrams reported her net worth increased to $3.17 million during the same period.   

While most media reports attribute Abrams’ significant increases in net-worth to speeches and advances for book projects, her investment in Now Corp. has received little attention, even though she still has a financial stake in the company.  more here

Beware of The Blob, it creeps
And leaps and glides and slides
Across the floor
Right through the door
And all around the wall
A splotch, a blotch
Be careful of The Blob

20 Comments on Stacey Abrams got special treatment in office and even got wealthy on the taxpayer dime

  1. Grifting is the whole point of politics.
    Enriching oneself at the expense of the “little” people.
    Literally, $Trillions have disappeared into the pockets of the “connected” and the taxpayers are left holding the bag.
    Sadly, we’re too fukkin stupid to figure it out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ‘Stacy Abrams’ financial technology company’ – wow, never ever thought I would see that line.

  3. Other than Donald Trump whom donated his pay while in officcan someone name a politician who hasn’t enriched themselves while holding a political office?

  4. She’s going to be our next Governor in GA. Kemp is corrupt, damaged, Bush-backed goods, and Perdue is a compromised RINO who will roll over in the general if he manages to win the primary, which is open, so it’s up to Dems to pick their fall guy. Whale oil beef hooked.

    We laugh at all of their loser buffoons, but the Dems keep standing them back up and running them again and again until they fix a win.

  5. @Different Tim May 5, 2022 at 8:15 am

    > Other than Donald Trump whom donated his pay while

    his children Biden up the place.

    (Please to troll harder. There’s an “election” scheduled!)

  6. “NOWaccount’s model was to purchase receivables from businesses that have not yet been paid for service provided. NOWaccount provided the business with cash in return for the right to collect funds due, charging the business a fee.”

    So it’s a debt collection racket.


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