Stacey Abrams is challenging voter citizenship checks, but her expert witness just got exposed – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams is challenging voter citizenship checks, but her expert witness just got exposed


With another gubernatorial campaign ahead of her, liberal activist Stacey Abrams saw her latest legal effort to strike down Georgia’s “exact match” ID and citizenship checks for voters hit a major pothole when one of her group’s expert witnesses got blistered in cross-examination in federal court.

Adrienne Jones, a 22-year political science professor at Morehouse College in Atlanta, was called last Friday by Abrams’ Fair Fight Action Inc. group as an expert witness in the ongoing civil trial against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other state officials defending their voter integrity rules.

Jones was immediately put on the defensive by the lawyer representing Raffensperger and the other state officials, forced to admit to penning several incendiary writings.

One was a column where she called for black women to “overthrow” President Donald Trump. Another was an article where she claimed Republicans wanted to create “internment camps” for Americans, according to a trial transcript reviewed by Just the News.

Jones also had to acknowledge she made a political contribution to Sarah Tindall Ghazal, one of the State Election Board members that Abrams’ group has sued in the case. The expert witness wasn’t even aware Ghazal was a defendant.


“You actually contributed to Ms. Ghazal’s past campaign, right?” defense attorney Carey Miller asked at one point.

“I did,” the professor answered.

“And you are aware that Ms. Ghazal is a defendant in this case?” the lawyer asked.

“No,” Jones answered.
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16 Comments on Stacey Abrams is challenging voter citizenship checks, but her expert witness just got exposed

  1. What does that cracker think he’s doing? Exposing those past articles, statements and donations is just utilizing laws and rules created by white supremacists.
    He needs sensitivity tracing y’all!!

  2. I agree with SNS. Abrams sending a 22 year-old obviously biased “professor” as an expert witness shows her utter disdain for the entire procedure and her blind confidence that an equally biased judiciary will render a favorable decision, if not with this judge then on appeal.

    She should at least be able to get a judge to issue an injunction barring application of citizenship and residency tests before next November. I’m sure she and her handlers would prefer a nationwide ban, and they are likely to get it.

  3. Every time The Tank takes a step, a 3.5 earthquake registers.

    She leaves cracks behind her. No, really.

    Once, she wanted to join the Navy, but the only job available to her was an anchor for an aircraft carrier.

    She applied for a job working at the Goodyear Blimp site, but the recruiter told her they already had a Big Blimp.

    She caused the TP shortage 2 years ago. She was actually the only one stocking up.

    She’s a model for the start-up women’s clothing line BBBB: Big Black Butt and Bust.

    A courageous explorer fell into her crack several years ago and hasn’t been seen since.

    She and Kim Kardashian have agreed to have a “Butt-Off Challenge” to see which is biggest and which will claim the title: World Butt Champion and Temptress of the Universe. It will be aired on CBS this coming July. The contest will include measurement like lateral width, weight, fat content, depth of crack, cleanliness, prior use of fat enabling steroids, enhancement surgery, and a number of physical tests like balancing and lifting weights, landing impact, squashing ability, etc.


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