Stacey Abrams: the Female Al Sharpton – IOTW Report

Stacey Abrams: the Female Al Sharpton

Patriot Retort:

Come kiss her ring Democrat candidates!  You cannot run for President without first getting the blessing of the Female Al Sharpton, Stacey “Rerun” Abrams.

And they’re all playing along – just like they do with the real Al Sharpton.

Is there a single Democrat candidate who hasn’t taken the pilgrimage to Georgia to prostrate him or herself before the Female Al Sharpton?

The latest?

Pete Buttigieg.

more here

9 Comments on Stacey Abrams: the Female Al Sharpton

  1. No. Not kissing any of her rings. She has 1 ring in her nose, at the behest of Jimmy Dean, a pair in her boobs just above her knees, 1 above her navel to hang air fresheners on, and 1 in the girly area to look cool among the pierced n tatted crowd. No. Not kissing any of her rings. Pals would accuse me of kissing Bill or Hillary by proxy.

  2. Ring, no. She has won no office.

    They’ve come to snog her victimized pig knuckle.

    I hate YouTube but me and the lovely, couchladen Mrs. Guevara have been watching old Morton Downey Jr. Clips with Sharpton and Roy Innis from CORE.

    How Sharpton’s past antics have been thrown down the memory hole is beyond me. A “reverend” calling people faggots on tv and all the rest of the shit he spewed and now he’s given is own TV shows and have the Buttigeigs of the world bending over forward for his endorsement.

  3. Her most recent campaign challenge is against Joey Chestnuts at the upcoming annual Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest at Nathans’s. She looking to unseat Michael Strahan,

  4. This woman has a sense of entitlement as large as her belt line. Her, as well as those coming to bask in her radiance are fringe figures that seek each other out for the comfort of numbers.
    Their problem is that they all seek the same goal and when the numbers dwindle down they’ll begin tearing one another apart. It should be entertaining to watch.


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