Stacy Abrams in Nigeria to Assist U.S. “Election Efforts” in Oil Rich African Country Amid Election Turmoil – IOTW Report

Stacy Abrams in Nigeria to Assist U.S. “Election Efforts” in Oil Rich African Country Amid Election Turmoil

I only posted this for the cooking oil jokes.

CTH: Everything about the progressive worldview of control is connected; the trick is to identify the priority that forms the motive of the connection.  In the example of U.S. involvement in assisting the control efforts of Nigerian progressives, the priority is energy and the climate change agenda. MORE

16 Comments on Stacy Abrams in Nigeria to Assist U.S. “Election Efforts” in Oil Rich African Country Amid Election Turmoil

  1. Certain parts of the Carolinas have large elderly populations.
    These same areas have an unusually large concentration of Nigerian Medical practices.
    Blood Thinners and Heartburn Meds NO GENERICS
    **Depending upon the Part A B or C balances and limits to providers.

    ****True Story about a little old lady that lived on a long, narrow, crooked street somewhere in the Carolinas and not to far from a Bank and it’s capitol.

  2. Bullshit!

    After all efforts to get her laid in America have been exhausted, they trying to see if a foreigner will step up to the job for Cash & the Promise of Citizenship.

    Poor Bastages.

  3. Quick! While The (Abrams) Tank is in Nigeria, cancel her return plane ticket AND her citizenship. Then she can’t return to the US.


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