Staffer accused of doxing GOP senators faces nearly 50 years in prison – IOTW Report

Staffer accused of doxing GOP senators faces nearly 50 years in prison

BPR: The former Democrat staffer/intern arrested this week for sharing the personal information of several senators to the Internet reportedly faces half a century behind bars if convicted.

Jackson Cosko, 27, faces 50 years total for a slew of federal offenses, including sharing personal information publicly, issuing threats in interstate communication, accessing a federal computer without authorization, identity theft and witness tampering.

Some of these offenses stem from actions he took during Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony to Congress on Sept. 27. That afternoon he used a House computer to illegally share the cell phone numbers and home addresses of Sens. Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch to Wikipedia.

Authorities later traced the post to the House’s wired network and then to Cosko’s account using the IP address logged by Wikipedia. They arrested him this past Wednesday.

Prior to his arrest, he’d worked as an unpaid fellow with Rep. Sheila Jackson’s office. Her office reportedly terminated the fellowship promptly after his arrest. Reports revealed that he also used to work for former Sen. Barbara Boxer and current Sens. Maggie Hassan and Dianne Feinstein.

Cosko’s other offenses stemmed from him threatening one of Sen. Hassan staff members. When the staff member reportedly caught him at the senator’s office illegally using one of her computers, the staff member confronted him, forcing him to leave.

Later that day he sent a threatening email to the staff member that read as follows: “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials.”

In a statement to Fox News issued Friday, his attorney, Brian Stolarz, denied these allegations, saying, “Jackson Cosko is innocent until proven guilty, and we intend to challenge the charges.”

Social media users were struck by the irony of Stolarz’ statement. 

33 Comments on Staffer accused of doxing GOP senators faces nearly 50 years in prison

  1. Maybe this guy worked alone but maybe he’s a goldmine of information of the dirty tricks the Dems have been up to. Facing 50 years without a friendly court this guy may provide enough for a few investigations to fire up maybe leading to some indictments of people that the public would recognize.

  2. the one that gets me is his LinkedIn e90 says:
    LinkedIn entry for Jackson Cosko in D.C. – identified as “Democratic Political Professional & Cybersecurity Graduate Student.”

    at least it’s truthful in that it only states:
    “Cybersecurity Graduate Student” and not “Cybersecurity Professional”

    he’ll never be a professional, not from within jail, and the entire interwebz will change 1000+ times by the times he gets out.

    the devil needs to stick a fork in Jackson Cosko cuz he’s done!

  3. “….his attorney, Brian Stolarz, denied these allegations, saying, “Jackson Cosko is innocent until proven guilty, and we intend to challenge the charges.”

    That’s rich.

  4. Imagine that, let a few senators get the same treatment that the rest of us endure from these scum and like magic they’re dealt with quickly and harshly.

  5. 50 years? Nonsense. He will end up as CEO of some cyber security firm. That’s just the way it works with these people, once they sell their souls to the Dems.

  6. 50 years? Nonsense. He will end up as CEO of some cyber security firm. That’s just the way it works with these people, once they sell their souls to the Dems.

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