Stanford grants funding to Dinesh D’Souza event after College Republicans file constitutional complaint – IOTW Report

Stanford grants funding to Dinesh D’Souza event after College Republicans file constitutional complaint


An internal complaint and external litigation threat appear to have convinced Stanford’s student government to approve funding for an event with conservative pundit Dinesh D’Souza.

Reversing a December vote, the Associated Students of Stanford University’s Undergraduate Senate unanimously approved an internal review of funding decisions at its Tuesday meeting, The Stanford Daily reports.

ASSU financial and governance managers had recommended giving the College Republicans $3,617 for the D’Souza event as part of a $117,700 grant recommendation for all student clubs. The Senate narrowly rejected their recommendations last month, leading the CRs to threaten litigation for holding club budgets “hostage” to prevent the D’Souza event.  read more

4 Comments on Stanford grants funding to Dinesh D’Souza event after College Republicans file constitutional complaint

  1. D’Souza speaking should trip a mass bout of hysteria among the loons on campus. That should cause at least a few fatal brain aneurysms or strokes. Lets all hope for a high body count.

  2. The stench of “anti” -fa (fascism) is strong on this campus.
    I applaud Stanford’s College Republicans and YAF for standing up to it.

    Did you catch the “related content” at the link? Stanford also rejected CR’s logo because it contained the American flag?!

    And out of that $117,000., I wonder how much is allocated to Leftist clubs and events at Stanford. The CR’s should sue them for at least half of the $117,000.


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