Star Spangled Banner Sung in a Minor Key – IOTW Report

Star Spangled Banner Sung in a Minor Key

I tend to like songs in a minor key, so this sounds natural to me.

29 Comments on Star Spangled Banner Sung in a Minor Key

  1. Interesting.
    It makes it sound more dramatic.
    ZZ Top switched to minor and minor sevenths at the end of a number of their major key tunes giving them a kind of funky dramatic impact.

  2. It really brings out the questioning aspect of the song – Does the banner still wave or has Obama and the rest of the Democrat party finally torn it down and wiped their muddy boots on it?

  3. I’ll spare everybody from posting Madison Rising’s version of the Star Spangled Banner for the umpteenth time, but if it is going to be improvised, I’d rather it be done their way.

  4. I don’t get why everyone is jumping all over him….it is not horrible by a long shot. In fact it is far better than those who have sung it in the major and utterly destroyed the song and showed no reverence for it when sang.

    Besides, he stated at the beginning that he thought it would be interesting to try it in the minor note, which was the point of his entire exercise. It’s not like he is petitioning to have it altered permanently.

  5. Nope. Singing the National Anthem should never be done in a “falsetto” tone, whether it is sung in major or minor.
    My favorite rendition is from Wayne Messmer back in 1991 at the NHL all-star game. Look it up on youtube.

  6. I liked it too. Not as a permanent change going forward, but as an interesting side-note. He did a good job. And it is much better than all the caterwauling some “artists” do when singing the anthem at sporting events.

  7. To put that together was really creative. I cringe at some versions and shut them down, but I found myself listening with alacrity. Thank you BRH for sharing.

  8. He sounds good. However, he occasionally hits some notes that are similar to something sung in Arabic or in Moslem chants.

    That gave me the willies. 😮

  9. The National Anthem is NOT there for you, as a singer, to make “yours.” SING THE SONG, NOT YOUR INTERPRETATION OF IT.

    When Whitney Houston did her “…land of the free — EEEEEEEE!!!!…” I damn near threw a chair at the TV. And because of her, MILLIONS of people actually think the song should be sung like that! Moron.

    If you can’t sing the National Anthem PROPERLY, then don’t sing it at all!

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