Star Trek Actor George Takei Thinks He’s Entitled to Royalties for the Space Force Logo – IOTW Report

Star Trek Actor George Takei Thinks He’s Entitled to Royalties for the Space Force Logo

Michael Okuda, the longtime graphic designer and lead designer for Star Trek who designed the Starfleet Command seal, noted that his logo “was intended to be somewhat reminiscent of the NASA emblem.”

Nice try, Sulu.

PJM: George Takei has been suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome for a long time and has probably spent more time in the past few years criticizing Trump than breathing. Nothing is too petty for Takei to gripe about when it comes to Trump. When Trump announced the new logo for the U.S. Space Force, it was inevitable that the has-been actor, mostly known for his portrayal of Lieutenant Sulu on Star Trek: The Original Series, would have an opinion. MORE

25 Comments on Star Trek Actor George Takei Thinks He’s Entitled to Royalties for the Space Force Logo

  1. well, I for one, am a bit triggered w/ the star trek logo … I mean, what’s w/ all the crosses? hmmmmmm, Mr. Takaguy?

    where are those atheist assholes when you need them?

    (he said, sarcastically)

  2. Takei = Tacky, someone on Twitter call the jerk that.

    brassy, cheap, flash, flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, loud, meretricious, tatty, tawdry, trashy

  3. No wonder William Shatner is sick of his drama queen bullshit. The guy, who has a VERY limited roll as chief helmsman was jealous for 40 years Kirk got all the attention and he didn’t.

    Now he is bringing his gay, self-centered, obsessive/compulsion to the masses.

    Go wear your faggy cape around San Fran and live your life you bitter old homo!

  4. Royalties payments typically constitute a percentage of the gross or net revenues obtained from using the owner’s property, however, they can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the wishes of both parties involved in the transaction.

    My reading of the above is that Royalties are paid out of revenues. The Space Force would not generate revenues like a private corporation. The Space Force gets its funding from the federal government. Why would it give some of that funding to George Takei?

    George, you are barking up the wrong hole.

  5. I’m sorry George. I’ve enjoyed your work, but you are – after all – only an actor, not a government expert.
    Perhaps you should have done a little research before spouting off your delusions, or as the old saying goes, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool then to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”
    The Space Force emblem is a derivation of the US Air Force Space Command emblem that has been in use for decades. The Space Command was established in 1984. I don’t recall George (or any of the hair-on-fire leftists) screaming about it being a rip-off during the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, or Obama eras!


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