Starbucks customer confronts barista who stole her credit card info – IOTW Report

Starbucks customer confronts barista who stole her credit card info

Be warned- The language is very colorful.

starbucks logo 02

8 Comments on Starbucks customer confronts barista who stole her credit card info

  1. I’m so glad this woman went back and confronted her. She totally admitted to it. They need to put people like her in jail – along with her soccer ball to sit on. This is not her first time for stealing money, she has made life miserable for a lot of people. The language was appropriate, what would come out of my mouth would make that woman look like a saint.

  2. Talk about misplaced outrage!
    The criminal gets to walk with only an apology for getting caught?
    What? Is the Fivebucks too far from Dunkin Donuts to allow an arrest?
    The authorities know who she is, have a taped confession… oh, there is an expired meter, priorities.
    Also, Fivebucks has a long history of firing people like this from the store they are working at and just relocating them to another place unless they have been convicted of stealing.
    The kid is probably an assistant manager at another location now.

  3. I wouldn’t care if she paid the whole thing back right there on the spot–the customer’s credit card is not a f***ing payday loan. And then she has the nerve to claim she is a good child after she got caught stealing food from children’s mouths.

    I REALLY hope this woman pushes forward with pressing charges because the girl is more likely then to learn the lesson of her life and hopefully turn her s*** around.

    Sorry, this just kind of pissed me way off. I HATE thieves.

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